New Brainworx Opto Compressor Plug-In FREE for SonicScoop Readers

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Our friends over at Brainworx and Plugin Alliance have just released two new compressor plugins, both based on one cool optical circuit: The full-fledged bx_opto ($149 MSRP) and a “stompbox” version, the bx_opto Pedal ($49 MSRP).

And right now, SonicScoop readers can swoop the bx_opto Pedal for free!

Click here to add this tonal babe to your arsenal, and Plugin Alliance will take care of the rest. But act swiftly, because this free offer ends July 22nd.

For a limited time, the bx_opto Pedal can shine a light on your mix for free.

For a limited time, the bx_opto Pedal can shine a light on your mix for free.

The unique characteristics of these light-dependent compressors have been embedded deep within bx_opto and bx_opto Pedal. Rather than create a 1:1 replicate of a single hardware device, the plugins combine the best elements from opto-circuitry with processing only digital can accomplish.

The result is a set of powerful compressor plugins ready for all types of mixing tactics – Even some that traditional optical compressors can’t accomplish.

Features of the bx_opto Pedal:

  • The same optical compression circuit as the bx_opto
  • All in one sidechain input/makeup gain, ‘Density’
  • ‘Speed’ knob controls the modeled physical constant of Light Dependent Resistor, creating unique transient response
  • Output trim prevents overdriven signal from clipping
  • Guitar-pedal style power button


1 Comment on New Brainworx Opto Compressor Plug-In FREE for SonicScoop Readers

  1. Prod. by Shadik
    July 21, 2015 at 7:58 am (9 years ago)

    Where’s the Voucher code? How do i obtain that?