G-Sonique Releases TrebleCream – Mid-Treble & Transient Softener

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As G-Sonique puts it, many mixes these days have piercing mid-treble frequencies that initially provide for a cutting mix that catches our ears. What some mixing engineers don’t realize is that these loud mid-treble frequencies will inevitably be exposed to several levels of boosting after initial mixing. Mastering does not always fix this problem!

So G-Sonique created TrebleCream to help remedy the issue. The plugin functions similarly to a compressor and can smooth out these harsh frequencies while still maintaining the integrity of the mix.

Let TrebleCream sweet talk your mids with it's smooth attitude.

Let TrebleCream sweet talk your mids with it’s smooth touch.

TrebleCream is available now for an introductory price of about $25 (Reg. about $38 MSRP). The plugin is available for PC only in VST and VSTi formats. Here is more info from G-Sonique:

TrebleCream is new technology with special digital algorithms / virtual circuits inspired by analog electronic structures for achieving really pleasant, creamy mid-trebles and transients without loosing any intensity of mid-high frequencies. TrebleCream will help you remove “harshness” from mix within few seconds.

Treble cream was developed in cooperation with Analog Dimension. Senior mastering engineer of Analog Dimension studios says “More than 50% of mixes that we are receiving has screaming or distorted mid-trebles and or/transients, while rest of mix is relatively good. Sometimes song is 2x louder after mastering because of modern trends and all these negative artifacts (harshness, mid-treble distortion) are logically boosted during mastering, while many people thinks that mastering can fix all mistakes in mix all experienced engineers will tell you that it is not truth. Simply mastering can’t save wrong mix. Many people are using low quality digital compressors, coloring plug-ins, limiters and all these plug-ins are producing distortion on mid-trebles and transients if used unduly. We were always curious what to do with these low quality-mixes when re-mixing wasn’t possible, because compressing or equalizing can’t help and remove screaming mid-trebles and distorted transients, otherwise song will sound empty and subdued after strong equalizing. So after discussion with G-Sonique engineers and long research we discovered TrebleCream machine. Firstly we made it as real analog hardware and later recreated as digital plug-in for more comfortable work.”


  • Threshold knob
  • Softening amount knob: set how much mid-trebles will be softened
  • Attack knob: set how fast mid-trebles will be softened after reaching threshold level, in milliseconds
  • Fadeoff knob: set how long will softening continues after reaching threshold level, in milliseconds
  • Make-up gain knob: additional amplification of softened frequency band
  • Treble circuit input knob: input volume for treble circuit module
  • Cross frequency knob: select frequency band / frequency range which will be softened from deep mid freq. to ultra high frequencies – you can soften small or wide range of frequencies.


If antiharsh circuit is turned-on trebles can lost some intensity, this circuit restores lost intensity and boost trebles, so you can hear creamy mid-treble range and transients and nice analogue sounding/sparkling trebles.