Alto NYC Hosts Vienna Symphonic Library Clinic, Featuring VE Pro

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Alto Music NYC is hosting Vienna Symphonic Library clinics on Friday, March 19, in three sessions at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm. Part of the VSL Technology Integration Tour, this clinic will delve into Vienna Ensemble Pro, VSL Choir, Imperial Piano and MIR, and the full VSL library will be on hand for demo and discussion.

Alto NYC’s studio-showroom will be setup with:

– Mac Minis running as Vienna Ensemble Pro Slaves over Ethernet — sending MIDI and returning audio, with NO hardware involved. (Keep in mind this works with third party plug-ins too!) Even if you don’t use or ever plan to use VSL instruments — VE Pro is something you should definitely check out.

– Decked-out PC running Vienna MIR in realtime.

– The new Vienna Symphonic Library Choir for demo.

– Paul Steinbauer from Vienna and Bill Lee from Apple on-hand to answer questions. Lee will discuss how VSL products integrate with Logic and Apple computers.

– Food & Drinks!

Seats are limited, RSVP today, to, for one of the three seminars — 12pm, 3pm or 6pm.

Alto Music NYC
146 West 29th Street
Suite 4RW
New York, NY 10001

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