Michael Buble Plays Telefunken's CT Studios

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Michael Buble recently broadcast a secret show from the South Windsor, CT studios of microphone manufacturer, Telefunken Elektroakustik.

Michael Buble at Telefunken

Michael Buble at Telefunken

Hartford, CT’s 96.5 fm WTIC and Telefunken co-sponsored the intimate performance, which featured stand-up bass, drums, acoustic guitar and Buble, using new Telefunken microphones.

The Buble show is one in a series of shows recently produced by the Telefunken  staff in the company’s 8,000 sq.ft. manufacturing center, which includes a 2,500 sq.ft. soundstage that also serves as a multi-use recording studio and production lab for its extensive microphone line.

To see video clips of the Michael Buble secret show, visit: http://www.965tic.com.

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