Music Works NYC Names Nina Creese Studio Manager

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Music Works NYC, the Upper West Side boutique tracking and mixing facility, has announced the promotion of Nina Creese to the position of Studio Manager.

Nina Creese has been promoted to Studio Manager at Music Works NYC.

A Brooklyn native with Hatian roots, Ms. Creese has been working as in-house engineer at Music Works NYC since 2012. As Studio Manager, she is overseeing the operation and booking of the facility, and has instituted new rate structures as well as timeshares for production and writing rooms.

Music Works’ advanced and highly appealing studios were designed by platinum engineer /consultant Christos Tsantillis (50 Cent, Patti LaBelle, The Roots, Diddy) and built by custom studio builder Ken Capton (Eminem, Kid Rock). The studio’s owner, Chris Theberge, is a founding member of the Grammy-nominated jazz/dance combo Groove Collective.

In addition to tracking and mixing, Music Works’ strengths include pre/post production, Pro Tools editing, mixing, overdubs, voice-overs, sound design, film scoring, and radio production.

“Nina’s background in R&B/Pop & Hip/Hop production both as a singer and an engineer have made her an invaluable part of the Music Works team,” Theberge says.

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