Rick Slater Records Ean Hirst at Quad Lakeside

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Quad Lakeside, Lou Gonzalez’ scenic studio built on the banks of Greenwood Lake upstate, has seen a lot of recent activity with artists Slam Allen, John Willemse Band, and hip-hop artist King Phaze.  In recently for sessions has been engineer/producer Rick Slater, as well as engineer Rob Ignatzio.

Rick Slater (l) in the control room at Quad Lakeside

Rick Slater (l) in the control room at Quad Lakeside

Slater has been in most recently with North Carolina indie artist Ean Hirst. “We had been to several studios in the NY Metro area with mixed results,” says Slater, “and Ean wanted a residential studio to set up in for a bit, so he could be inspired as well as focused.

“Quad Lakeside was the perfect setting, and the SSL AWS900 is punchy and yet very open sounding. I can use it with the 2” analog machine or control Pro Tools HD with it just as easily.”

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