Sony to Release Sound Forge Pro Audio Editor for Mac

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Perhaps it was due to the hole in the market that arose when BIAS ceased operations, leaving Mac engineers bereft of the popular audio editor Peak.

It’s really happening! Sound Forge Pro on the Mac.

But more than likely, it was just plain common sense that one of the most intuitive and comprehensive digital audio editing platforms available, Sound Forge Pro, would finally port over from PC-only to Mac availability as well.

Whatever the reason, audio pros the world over will definitely be glad to hear that Sony has officially confirmed that Sound Forge Pro, now on Version 10, will be available for Mac OS X. The company made it known via the launch of the latest in a series of teaser videos, which can be viewed below or on a Website appropriately entitled FinallyontheMac  (how’d they get that juicy URL?)

Pricing and release date are yet to be announced.

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