XILS-lab Launches Oxium Performance-Oriented Soft Synth

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French music software company XILS-lab has launched “Oxium” – a new performance-orientated soft synth plugin that is said to offer equal parts classic analog and modern sounds.

Oxium performance soft synth

Oxium ($129) is a Mac/PC-compatible synth plugin designed around an “instant visual feedback (IVF)” user interface concept that allows standard synth building blocks – oscillators, filters and LFOs – and modulation options, to be instantly accessed and tweaked.

Click to hear some audio examples of Oxium.

The Oxium feature breakdown (by XILS-lab) is as follows:

•    Classic instruments: Use up to 8 Xils-lab thick and musical oscillator wave forms per patch and shape them with the double filter structure. The main unit uses Xils-lab’s 3rd generation zero-delay feedback filter with self-oscillation in each mode while the second offers a vocal formant mode in addition to high-pass, band-pass and low-pass modes.
•    Modern instruments: In addition to the cumulative waveforms LFO, there are three D-ADSR envelopes; Oxium includes our brand new Le Masque modulator in its new incarnation with many additional features – It has 16 freely drawable zones, horizontal and vertical quantize modes, two level parameters and, you can save, load and exchange your patterns.
•    Intuitive User Interface: The Oxium interface is based on a new “Flower” design and IVF (Instant Visual Feedback) concept. “Flower” design for the oscillators, filter, LFOs and glide blocks means that you can understand the structure of a whole block after a simple glance, making Oxium fun, fast and easy to understand and to master. In addition, all the modulations are all handled in a central page, with additional easy knobs, including usual musical gestures per patch. It has never been so easy to add a Vibrato, a Tremolo or an Auto Wah to your sound.
•    Serial only protected: Oxium is protected by a simple serial, without the need of any hardware dongle or chalenge response.
•    Two skins to fit with your mood

Oxium is available to purchase from the XILS-lab online Store for a special introductory price of $89 until August 15 (rising to $129 thereafter).

Another Oxium skin


1 Comment on XILS-lab Launches Oxium Performance-Oriented Soft Synth

  1. Mlogue
    July 26, 2012 at 7:10 pm (13 years ago)

    Oxium sounds great,