Mini-Review: Electro-Harmonix Stereo Talking Machine

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Delicious Audio just published a mini review of the new (made in NY!) Electro-Harmonix Talking Machine – which we’ve excerpted for you here. Click through to read in full on Delicious!

The Talking Machine makes seven vowel sounds plus EHX’s signature Bass Balls effect and an auto wah. The speed of those sounds can be adjusted forward and in reverse, effectively doubling your filters. But you aren’t out of options yet… Hold down the present footswitch and blend, attack and decay knobs become volume, tone and gain of a Big Muff, enabling you to create filthy funk riffs you can switch to and from using the present button.

The pedal comes loaded with nine preset sounds, but you can overwrite these by holding down the white preset button. Most of the presets maximize the pedal’s broad capabilities, including the aforementioned filthy funk; you’ll probably want to hold onto at least half of them.

EHX's Stereo Talking Machine ($220)

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