Tabletop 1.5 Launches — iPad Modular Audio Environment Now Features Deeper SoundCloud Integration

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Tabletop is a free app that turns the iPad into a modular audio environment, where over 20 devices available from the iTunes store can be mixed and matched – including samplers, mixers, effects, sequencers, and more.

CloudSeeder makes Tabletop 1.5 collaboration a lot easier.

Tabletop’s creator, Retronyms, has just announced Tabletop 1.5, which includes a number of upgrades.

First on the list is a deeper connection to SoundCloud called CloudSeeder, which makes it easy for users to publish their songs to a sound creator community and receive feedback. With this integration, tabletop music producers can efficiently publish a track, leave a comment, or find listeners and collaborators.

Also new in 1.5 is AudioCopy, which allows users to take a Tabletop loop or song into another app.

Finally (but not leastly!), the company has added a device bundle — a single purchase that allows Tabletop 1.5 users to buy all the devices they don’t own at a discount.

Get a taste o’ Tabletop!

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