NYC Producer Steve Pageot Named Endorser for Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle

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NYC-based GRAMMY-winning engineer and Platinum producer Steve Pageot has added to his impressive roster of endorsements with the Harman Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle.

Steve Pageot is officialy a Lexicon endorser.

A diverse instrumentalist equally comfortable on guitar, piano and jazz flute, Pageot’s discography ranges from classical to hip hop for clients including Aretha Franklin, Snoop Dogg, Talib Kweli, and MTV.

The Lexicon announcement joins recent endorsement deals for Pageot including AKG and Native Instruments.

1 Comment on NYC Producer Steve Pageot Named Endorser for Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle

  1. Tre1sev
    May 18, 2012 at 2:38 pm (12 years ago)

    how can i get a direct contact to Mr. Steve, I got a project that u would like and be beneficial to u. If interesting hit me at