Event Alert: Robotic Musical Instrument Design and Construction, at Harvestworks

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NYC digital media arts center Harvestworks has scheduled the class “Robotic Musical Instrument Design and Construction” for Tuesday, Nov. 22nd. The class will take place at their downtown HQ of 596 Broadway.

The SRV-4 MIDI Servo Movement Control circuit gets the spotlight at Harvestworks' upcoming musical robotics seminar!

Remaining seats in this class are currently offered for “spectators” only, for $175, or $150 for members & students (with ID). However, due to a materials shipping issue, it might be possible for participants to participate and work on their own robotic project. Cost for this latter scenario would be $200 (members/ students) or $225 (regular) – plus materials ($150). In any case, contact Hans Tammen directly at Harvestworks, 212-431-1130 (ext 2), or email hanst@harvestworks.org.

Harvestworks explains the seminar as follows – see more details here:

Robotic Musical Instrument Design and Construction
Participants will learn the programming and electronics involved in animating mechanical objects using realtime MIDI control and sequencing techniques. By examining physical examples of instruments and artwork, the seminar will explore a practical approach to constructing mechanical musical instruments and animatronic puppets as well as various programming strategies.

Participants will learn basic MIDI programming/recording, electrical and silver soldering, and basic electronics utilizing power transistors and relays. They will be exposed to a variety of mechanisms and actuators, AC/DC solenoids, motors, and lights as well as the functionality of the MTP-7 and the SRV-4. The MTP-7 is a pre-assembled board that allows the real-time MIDI control of multiple switched voltage outputs utilizing MIDI on/off note messages and velocity. The SRV-4 is used to control servos with realtime midi expression. These will be the main interfaces between the computer and the mechanisms we will be manipulating. By using MIDI, participants will learn techniques to perform and record movements as well the plotting of movements over a piano-roll-like timeline on the computer. The main focus of this class will be to build mechanical musical devices which will be programed to be installed in a gallery or to perform with in live musical or theatrical pieces.

Topics will include:

• A Brief Presentation/Seminar on Mechanical Music, Automata, Kinetic and Robotic Artworks, Experimental Musical Instruments
• Getting The System Working –The MTP-7 and the SRV-4 interfaces, MIDI composition, and Sequencing
• Soldering, Basic Electronics, Relays, Switches, Resistors, and Transistor Theory
• Where to Order and How to Repurpose Supplies and Components
• Construction Techniques and Materials, Mechanical Hammers, Servos, Rotary Plectrums, Solenoid Plectrums, Solenoid Design, Voice Coils and Speaker Drivers, and Basic Musical Instrument Design
• MIDI Recording and Programming Techniques for Mechanical Music and Animatronics, MIDI Pulse Width Modulation, Utilizing Program Change and Velocity, Synchronizing Motors and Lights with Sound/Music, Eliminating the “Clank”, Compensating for Mechanical Delay, Designing and Winding Silent Solenoids.
• After the participants learn the basic electronic circuits involved in this process and how to use the MTP-7 board, their future electromechanical works can be furthered, combining Max or PD, Micro-controllers, and other MIDI applications.”

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