Mix Out-of-the-Box In The Magic Shop's New Blue Room

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NYC’s Magic Shop Studios has recently redesigned its “Blue Room” as a mixing suite, equipped with a new Class A Rupert Neve 5088 discrete analog mixing console.

Rupert Neve (left) and Magic Shop owner Steve Rosenthal in The Blue Room.

Rupert Neve (left) and Magic Shop owner Steve Rosenthal in The Blue Room.

The Blue Room has been designed to provide a low-cost alternative to mixing in-the-box. The Neve 5088 and additional Neve and analog processing options enable an out-of-the-box mix in a smaller-format room. The Studio was also conceived as a room where finished mixes can be “re-stemmed.”

Engineer Warren Russell-Smith is currently in the Blue Room, mixing music from the 1959 Newport Jazz archive.

In addition to the 5088, The Blue Room is equipped with several other Neve components including a 4-channel Neve 5043 compressor, 5014 stereofield editor, 5043 tape emulator, 8x 5033 five-band EQ and 8+ 5032 mic pre/EQs. Other key components include Mytek converters, Pro Tools HD with SoundToys TDM and Waves Diamond bundles, and ATC-SCM-20 Pro monitors.

For booking information, contact info@magicshopny.com.

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