Mytek Digital Announces Stereo192-DSD-DAC For Mastering, Audiophiles

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Mytek Digital is based out of New York and is most commonly recognized for their professional quality A/D and D/A converters. The company is a strong supporter of the digital audio format, DSD (Direct Stream Digital) — a high quality Sony/Phillips digital audio format with a bit rate of 1 and a sample rate 64x that of the typical red book format found with CDs. The more you know!

The Mytek Digital Stereo 192-DSD-DAC Silver Preamp is available for pre-order now.

The new Stereo192-DSD-DAC is a essentially a high quality playback device with integrated computer connectivity, targeted toward mastering engineers and audiophiles. The new device is available in two different models — the preamp version and the mastering version. All tech specs are the same on both models with the exception of additional stereo DSD inputs on the mastering version. Both models will ship worldwide August 31, 2011 and are available for preorder now with the mastering version for $1,595 MSRP and the pre version for $1,695 MSRP. Bonus: These hi-fi DACs include a complete cable set when pre ordered – Limited to the first batch of 100! For more technical details from Mytek, read on:

“The promise of MyTek Stereo192-DSD-DAC is simple: To enable easy playback of ANY file format including mastering grade 192k PCM and DSD, at the best original studio master sound quality, do this in the modern way through computer downloads, and free from its mechanical carrier and its problems such as errors and jitter. All this is done while providing the best value to customer in the industry.

Stereo192-DSD-DAC Silver Pre Version is one of the 3 different models of this new DAC:

– audiophile quality conversion, 128dB, 192 kHz, DSD, 128xDSD
– 32 bit Sabre DAC
– USB2.0 (async) and Firewire interfaces
– Standard AES, SPDIF, SDIF, WCK, optical ins/outs
– Audiophile quality high current headphone amplifier
– Precision programmable analog 1dB step attenuator
– Balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs
– Built in upsampling to 192k feature w/ jitter reduction
– Preamp function with analog input
– Many additional features (refer to”

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