Fsynthz Releases VSTi – Puncho Groove

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Fsynthz is an online soft-synth designer that produces a wide variety of instruments including their categories: General Purpose, Live Creatures and Special Items. Their newest addition to the pack – Puncho Groove – is categorized as a “Live Creatures” synth, meaning it is designed specifically for live performance. (Download Puncho Groove at this link.)

Puncho Groove is mad crazy YO!

What does Puncho Groove do, exactly? According to Fsynthz, anything that you put into the instrument will be turned into a rad groove. The unique VSTi includes a lot of great features to help streamline your live flow as well as inspire — including real time quantization, tempo sync, MIDI out and “timbre rambling”. The VSTi can be downloaded for free. Check out a more detailed description from the designers:

“This VSTi converts anything you play into a groove, being permanently updated while you play. Anything means really anything: if you manage to engage your cat playing your MIDI keyboard – the result would be still groovy and valid (I suggest it to be rather psychedelic in this case ^_^). Of course, usage to a backing rhythm (e.g. a drum box) is recommended.

The effect is provided using continuos punch-in MIDI recording and looping, together with “timbre rambling”. So you may come up with grooves of enormous complexity and crazyness no other sequencing synth can produce (hundreds of notes per loop, if needed). You are encouraged to use pitchbendings and ModWheel in your playing since they work great to contribute the mood into your groove. If you need not that much of complexity – you may turn on the quantization, thus bringing your groove into more regular trance/dance domain.

Another special mode is “transposition”: play your keyboard to transpose the current groove loop; or, you may play chords with one finger; or, least but not last, you may add patterned (and synced) pitchbendings+vibratos to the melody you play.

You may also use Puncho G. as a MIDI processor to drive another synth: the groovy MIDI output is provided.”

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