Indie Connect Presents “Making Music Your Business” w/ Bashiri Johnson, Tues. 6/21

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The NY chapter of music industry community Indie Connect is presenting “Making Music Your Business” with the world-class percussionist Bashiri Johnson this Tuesday, 6/21, 6:00 – 8:00 PM at The Collective School of Music on 123 West 18th Street.

Bashiri Johnson joins Indie Connect this Tuesday, June 21.

Attendees will experience a Media Presentation, Lecture, Interactive Workshop, and Q & A with Johnson, as well as examine the past, present and future of the Music Business and Artist Entrepreneurship. Topics covered will include:

— How do I get gigs?
— How do I make money in this business?
— How do I turn my dreams into a career?
— These questions and more are all examined and answered.

Brooklyn-based percussionist/artist/songwriter/producer Bashiri Johnson, has recorded for and/or performed with Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Paul Simon, Miles Davis, Aretha Franklin, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Jay Z, Mary J Blige, James Taylor, Elton John, Ray Charles, Rancid, Michael Jackson, and many others.

Full coordinates:
Making Music Your Business
Tuesday, June 21st, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
at The Collective School of Music, 123 West 18th Street.
Cost: $10.00 / Indie Connect members pay $5.00

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