EVENT ALERT: Three Egg, Cantora Records, FACTORY Brooklyn Co-Host Gravity Sleeps Salon Tonight, Saturday 4/30

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Gravity Sleeps and co-hosts Three Egg Studios, FACTORY Brooklyn, and Cantora Records are presenting the Gravity Sleeps Salon at FACTORY Brooklyn in Williamsburg.

Gravity Sleeps will keep you up late tonight.

The event takes place tonight, Saturday, April 30, 6 PM-2AM at 79 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY.

According to Gravity Sleeps, the salon will be an evening “of performance, dance, paint, pictures, pregnancy tests, music, (bands and DJ’s) and RAGE in three magnificent spaces at FACTORY, Brooklyn.”

Open bar FROM 7:30-9:30, courtesy of Brooklyn Brewery and Bulldog Gin.

Visit FACTORY Brooklyn for full details and schedule of performances.

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