Masterdisk Masters Rabbits, Earl MacDonald, Graviton, Jeremy Udden

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Masterdisk reported activity across a number of genres recently. Projects at the West Side mastering house include:

Earl MacDonald's latest project at Masterdisk is up for a Juno.

Earl MacDonald‘s album Re:Visions – Works for Jazz Orchestra, mastered at Masterdisk by Randy Merrill. The record has been nominated for the “Traditional Jazz Album of the Year” Juno Award.

Also mastered by Randy Merrill was Jeremy Udden’s Plainville. The album comes out this spring on the Sunnyside label.

Metal artist Rabbits had Masterdisk’s Graham Goldman master their album Lower Forms, coming out on Relapse Records.

In addition, Graham Goldman mastered the album Massless by Graviton, which features members of Intronaut. The record comes out April 26.

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