Sneak Preview: Sondre Lerche at the Rare Book Room

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This week, we visited Rare Book Room Studios in Greenpoint to spend an afternoon with producer Nicolas Vernhes and Norwegian-born songwriter Sondre Lerche.

Nicolas Vernhes (left) and Sondre Lerche inside Rare Book Room Studios in Greenpoint

Vernhes, who’s explored distinctive and sometimes jarring sounds with Dirty Projectors, Black Dice, and Deerhunter, might seem like an unexpected choice for Lerche, an artist best known for his easy charm and sophisticated-yet-upbeat pop sensibility. Any cognitive dissonance washes away at first listen, however. This reviewer had the privilege of hearing some of the most immediately engaging work from either of these music-makers to date.

With Verhnes at the board, and Kato Ådland, co-producing, Lerche is able to embrace sonic colors in a more raw state than ever before. The new material is mature: both accessible and unusual, friendly to the listener, but challenging enough to attract a new kind of audience.

Although the record is well-sculpted, a decided lack of over-polish allows Lerche’s songs to breathe with a full range of depth and humanity only suggested in his prior releases. Look for their release and our full story in mid-2011. It’s gonna be good.

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