AudioMole NYC Launch Party on Friday, 10/15 at Sullivan Hall

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AudioMole NYC is burrowing its way into your consciousness with a super duper launch party on Friday, 10/15, starting 7:00 PM at Sullivan Hall. Throw your support behind this feisty NYC music startup by drinking beer, listening to a battle of the bands, and dancing!!!

AudioMole burrowz into your earz starting Friday!

AudioMole is a website for discovering, tracking and following that awesome band you saw in the subway, that cool jewelry maker at the market, the singer/songwriter in the random coffee shop, the pop-up art on the streets, that sweet acrobatics group, that indie theatre company…. You get the picture – AudioMole will help you find out more about the musical art you encounter at random on the street.

Full Details:
AudioMole NYC Launch Party + battle of the bands
Venue: Sullivan Hall, 214 Sullivan Street, NYC
Date: 10/15/2010
Time: Doors @7pm
First band goes on at 8

Handpicked Underground Music
Free Beer Tickets to first 100 People Inside
90’s Cheesy Fun Freeze Dance and After Party!

Entry is free when registered with AudioMole NYC, otherwise $5 at door.

The Venn Diagrams – cabaret rock
Cabinet – indie bluegrass
VerseEssential – hip hop lyricist
ThePress – co-op rock
Tremble & Wag – Electroacoustic
NYCSubwayGirl – folked-up blues
The Ravages – Rock N Roll Serrated Pop
Trifect – Fusion Jazz Bass

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