Ocean Way Audio Now Shipping New Near and Mid-Field Monitors

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Lead by 5-time GRAMMY award winning audio engineer Allen Slides, Ocean Way Audio debuted three new monitors at the 139th AES convention in 2015 – Their first “high resolution” monitors on the market.

Allen Sides, Ocean Way Audio Founder and CEO, pictured with the HR4 two-way, self-powered monitor

Allen Sides, Ocean Way Audio Founder and CEO, pictured with the HR4 two-way, self-powered monitor

Using a dual/hybrid waveguide, the ‘sweet-spot’ of the Mid-Field HR4 and HR4S is accurate to 100 x 40 degrees. With its sonic clarity, this added benefit is Ideal for previewing a mix with other musicians, artists, and producers. Ocean Way Audio offers a two-way and three-way HR4 model with the base pair starting at $6,000 MSRP per pair.

Pro2A near-field monitors use a slightly different design, but provide comparable accuracy in a smaller package. The trapezoidal cabinet design reduces baffle reflections with materials designed to minimize low frequency resonance. The Pro2A monitors are available now for $3,500 MSRP per pair.

Click here or more details on the HR4/HR4S

Click here or more details on the Pro2A monitors

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