NAMM 2016: Top Picks and Pics from the Showroom Floor

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Taking up the entirety of the 813,607 square foot exhibition space in Anaheim Convention Center (and then some) Winter NAMM 2016 sits like a testament to thousands of years of progress in musical tools and technology, on display in hall after massive hall, row after row after row.

SonicScoop can’t claim to have seen it all at NAMM, but we did try to stop by as many of the pro audio booths as possible in search of new releases and big announcements.

As much fun as the gear is, the truth is that the people that populate the floor each day—whether company reps at their booths or the many thousands of visitors —are secretly there to see each other. The crazy crush of faces are a huge part of the appeal. NAMM is exhausting. It can also be productive, dense with discovery, and filled with new friendships.

We may not be able to give you the full experience of being there, but we can at least share our NAMM gallery below, filled with all the latest releases we could find. And if you saw something new that we didn’t capture with our cameras, please feel free to fill us in by leaving a comment below!

Now without further ado, some notable NAMM new releases:

1 Comment on NAMM 2016: Top Picks and Pics from the Showroom Floor

  1. Tom Camp
    January 27, 2016 at 1:35 pm (9 years ago)
