Sweet Spot: Dream Recording Studios – Bellmore, Long Island

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For Long Island, this new studio IS a dream come true.

We speak of Dream – Dream Recording Studios, that is. An energetic addition to the South Shore, brings a badly-needed world-class option to the Long Island recording and mixing scene.

Launched this past August in Bellmore, Dream’s design was penned by the late Larry Swist, who endowed it with the beautiful lines and natural-sounding acoustics that he was well-known for.

An SSL AWS 900+SE, Guzauski-Swist GS-3A monitoring system, killer mic collection, and choice outboard make it a very welcoming audio environment.

The result is a spacious, artist-friendly commercial facility in an area where relatively few exist, but – judging by the fast start for Dream – demand for an elite near-NYC recording getaway is definitely high.

The sonic spirit of Larry Swist lives on in Dream's spacious live room.

The sonic spirit of Larry Swist lives on in Dream’s spacious live room.

Facility Name: Dream Recording Studios

Website: http://www.dreamrecordingstudios.com

Location: Bellmore, Long Island

Neighborhood Advantages: One of the major advantages of working on Long Island is how different it can be from day to night. There are lots of businesses, food stores and people nearby. However, being so close to a suburban neighborhood means that everything gets very quiet and relaxing at night. We are minutes from the beach and the bay which can provide all sorts of relaxing and creative activities. In addition we are minutes from the Long Island Rail Road station which is just a 45-minute train ride to NYC.

Date of Birth: August, 2013

Facility Focus: We focus our services on tracking, mixing, editing, audio post, music production, live videos and artist development.

Mission Statement: Dream Studios is a home away from home; a comfortable place to write and create. Our goal is to bring a professionally creative high-end facility to the Long Island community.

System Highlights: Console & Monitoring: SSL AWS 900+SE, Guzauski-Swist GS3A System, Yamaha NS10m, Furman HDS Cue system, Digidesign converters, Protools 10, Logic 9

An SSL AWS 900+SE, Guzuaski-Swist monitoring, and room to move distinguish the control room.

An SSL AWS 900+SE, Guzuaski-Swist monitoring, and room to move distinguish the control room.

Microphones: Neumann u67, Blue Bottle, Manley Reference, Sony C800g, AKG C414XLII (Matched Pair), AKG c451 (Matched Pair), Neumann KM184 (Matched Pair), Samson C01, AKG D112, Electrovoice RE20, Sennheiser MD421, Shure Beta 57a, Shure Beta 58a (2), Shure SM57 (4), Shure SM7B, Yamaha Subkick, AEA R84 (Matched Pair), Royer r121

Outboard Gear: API 512c (2), Chandler Germ 500, Neve Portico 511 (2), Neve 1073 (2), API 2500, Empirical Labs Derresser, Empirical Labs Distressor (Stereo Pair), Neve 2264ALB, Teletronix/UA La-2a, Tube Tech CL1B, Urei 1176 (2), API 550b (2), Cartec EQP1A, TubeTech PE1C, Bricastic M7 Reverb, Moog 500 Delay

Distinguishing Characteristics: The vibe of our studio is what the whole design was created around. We were incredibly lucky to work with studio designer Larry Swist on this project. Larry created this studio to make you feel as creative and as comfortable as possible. We have a big live room that sounds very natural. The live room can provide a great tight sound while also having the capabilities of getting a great live sound. The vocal booth doubles as a writing lounge and is even big enough to set up a small drum kit! Each room is connected at every aspect so there is no issue running speakers, instruments or mics from room to room.

As we previously mentioned, our studio is centered around an SSL AWS. We chose to go with an SSL for many reasons. The most important being the amazingly clean and brilliant sound of the Super Analog Mic Pres. The inserts, EQ and dynamics are also very easy to use and move around in the chain to get the perfect sound. Being able to switch between G and E series EQ provides a lot more great options and, of course, the bus compressor on the master bus is always a go-to.

With the total recall feature, SSL makes it very easy to go back. Being wrapped up in a world heavily influenced by many recalls and quick turnaround times, the ability to recall a session very quickly is a key feature to have in a console. The AWS also has a detailed DAW control section that is not only extremely efficient, but can also be set to control your multiple DAWs with the flick of a button.

Our SSL was supplied by Professional Audio Design (PAD), who also procured our API 550B’s and Sony C800. PAD also wired our entire studio, headed up Eric Anderson.

Outboard on call

Outboard on call

The building is on fire, you only have time to grab ONE thing to save, what is it?  I’d have to grab the Neumann u67. Hands down. Everything else is replaceable, for the most part. It would almost be a crime to not save that mic.

Rave Reviews: The biggest complements we get are the vibe, creative flow and how amazing everything sounds… especially on the GS3A system! People also usually request to never leave, which is probably the best complement of all. It makes us feel very proud to have a facility that others are not only excited and proud to work in, but refuse to leave from!

Most Memorable Session Ever: All of our sessions have been really positive and memorable so its hard to name just one. We have had an array of producers, engineers and artists bring their talent through our doors in just the first few months. We are truly lucky that the word is already spreading and people have been coming to work with us.

Session You’d Like to Forget: I’m lucky to say that there hasn’t been one to forget yet. We aim to keep it this way!

Dream Session: Is it too cliché to request all 5 Beatles in our room? Yes that means George Martin too! Personally, I wish Jerry Finn were still around. That man was a genius; it would be incredible to have him at our studio. There are honestly so many people we would love to host that we would need a few more pages to name them all!

— Chris Wallitsch, Studio Manager and Chief Engineer, Dream Recording Studios

Close up on the SSL

Close up on the SSL

Another angle on the Dream live room, which supplies a "natural" sound.

Another angle on the Dream live room, which supplies a “natural” sound.

Sense the depth in the control room

Sense the depth in the control room

Big-time booth

Big-time booth




1 Comment on Sweet Spot: Dream Recording Studios – Bellmore, Long Island

  1. Joshua K Thomas
    March 27, 2014 at 8:28 am (11 years ago)

    hey, mr. recording studio – i am writing to recording companies because i am a talent like no other. ok, i guess you’ve heard that a million times. read on, man…i’m going to paste a letter i sent years ago:

    dear sir or vagina:

    roseanne barr had a “traumatic brain-injury” when she was 16, dylan terreri had a “traumatic brain-injury” at 16 – why has dylan’s insolent creativity gone ignored while roseanne’s potty-mouthed insults are celebrated?

    what does a man – who was “traumatically brain-injured” in 1990 – have to do in order to follow in the gay-hating, female-bashing footsteps of the mighty “slim shady,” i ask myself. i was convicted of a felony a decade ago, after i sent a ton of threatening emails to strangers as a marketing tool for my website. i’ve written a plethora of anti-gay essays and female-compromising petitions that i’ve posted on many different websites to link to my own website, i’ve decorated my car with graphics and slogans to direct people to my website, i’ve gone to websites for parody and i’ve posted over a hundred song parodies written by me that were taken directly from the 700 that are on my own website.

    i was childhood friends with someone named seth who is in the band “les savy fav” now, i just went to a bakery today and saw an advertisement for a local man who is in a band and currently performing in nashville, i see all of this and i ask myself “what about me”. i’ve even written a parody of a song called “what about me” that was done by a band called “moving pictures” in 1989. so, what about me? what do i have to do to get my 13 year-old website noticed by singers and actors and producers, how can i let people know of the talent that has been brewing inside of me for years? i can sing, i can act, i can write – all of my homosexuality-compromising words of demeaning wit are on parade in video skits at my website of (homo)sexual assault that is http://www.anti-gay.com. all of my vagina-compromising satire is on parade at my websites of mockery that are http://www.femalebashing.com and http://www.strongwomen.info and http://www.legalizerape.org. the product of both my childhood and my “traumatic brain-injury” is live for all the world to see at my website of morissette-inspired parody that has been http://www.jaggedlittledyl.com since 1999.

    i mock Strongwoman’s menstrual cycle because it derails the entire concept of feminism, simply with the fact that mommy lays an egg once a month. i mock Strongwoman’s breasts because they derail the entire concept of feminism, simply through the role of the milk that mommy produces for the life that started as the aforementioned egg. i mock Strongwoman’s dependence on the type of “special olympics” that is otherwise known as gender-based sports teams. i mock the lackluster “g.i. jane” and her reliance on gender-based military requirements. i mock gender-based fitness centers and gender-based poker nights, and did you know that the “coney island hot dog eating competition” had to go and add a “womens’ division” in order for the little females to triumph (in light of the taller, wider, dare i say “stronger” gender)?

    “we should’ve known you question your manhood when we saw you playing with it like you just bought it at some kind of curiosity shop”. “how can you expect to be man enough to satisfy my hunger for a man…or anyone else’s hunger, for that matter…if YOU hunger”. these are two quotes from one of the anti-gay screenplays i have written, and all of my screenplays are kept on my site. the idea started as jaggedlittledyl.com in early 1999, out of an obsession with “jagged little pill,” and i later registered anti-gay.com after realizing all of the anti-gay material on it. it’s grown to over 25 urls, but it’s all http://www.jaggedlittledyl.com.

    regarding today’s overcompensating society where masculivoids like gays and females march in parades to fabricate a sense of masculine identity (ala, “rosie the riveter” stating “we can do it”) in hopes of believing themselves when they say “i’m more man than you’ll ever be,” i realize the thoughts expressed on my website would be deemed as hateful or intolerant. now, aside from a bumper sticker i’ve created which reads, “tolerate my intolerance, you bigot,” there is nothing to say to anyone who is thin-skinned enough to hold a pity-party and then call anyone “hateful” or “intolerant”. people like that will always be offended at anything questioning their identity (their gender-disorientation), and there is no getting through to someone bull-headed enough to use pride as a defense-mechanism (“we here, we’re queer, get used to it”). so i mock gays and feminists and other masculine slights on my vulgar website, which could’ve been “slim shady: part two”.

    i really feel that my talents should be recognized. as i’ve said, i can sing and i can act and i can write. i am a talented singer with a vocal range not as vast as mariah carey’s, but i can sing along with her on a few of her songs without dropping an octave. i have no training, so the “orgasm” scales/sounds that she makes in the song called “emotions” are not done as meticulously when i do them in my falsetto…but i can emulate them.

    i am a talented actor, having been the “2nd freshman thespian” in my high school’s well-established “thespian society”. i’ve had “ferris bueller’s day off” memorized since 1987…and “dirty dancing” memorized since 1988. i amazed my friends as i’d recite every line, i amazed them even more than when i’d blow spit-bubbles off of my tongue. i was the MC in cabaret, as well, at age 15…i was in other plays, but cabaret was the one i got the most glory from.

    stephen king was my favorite author as a boy, and it certainly shows if you’d get a look at some of the “nastygrams” i’ve sent to restaurants and waitresses who have treated me with little respect. i’ve been investigated by the fbi, my letters were so twisted and so brilliantly expressive that people were psyched into believing they were being threatened by the mention of blood and islamic rape-rooms. though i only brought up the waitresses’ “blood-red vaginas” to imply that women lay eggs. a woman bleeds out an egg from her womb. a woman is man-like with a womb, wombman. womman. woman.

    wrapping up, i will state again that i am a star waiting to be born. i can sing, i can act, i can write. i have more talent than 90 percent of famous people. i have more talent that 100% of famous niggers, including the “white house-negro”…and beyonce…and jay-z.

    i like to compare myself to slim shady, the anti-gay and anti-female side of eminem, just not with the same kind of tolerance for black people. gosh, if negros want reparations for a free ride from africa to america, why don’t they move back to africa and pretend that slavery never happened?

    dylan terreri, i

    “When I’m hungry, I eat. When I’m thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it.” – Madonna
