Lavry Engineering Launches LavryGold AD122-96 MX — Hot-Tracking Converter

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In a world of extremes, audio facilities now have an A/D converter to match.

Lavry Engineering announced that it has launched the LavryGold AD122-96 MX, the next progression in founder Dan Lavry’s pursuit of extremely musical conversion. With the AD122-96 MX, Lavry introduces a unit designed to produce optimum results for sessions that are recording hot, providing maximum musicality even when engineers are intentionally pushing the clipping envelope.

From the dreamy waters of Puget Sound: The new Lavry Engineering AD122-96 MX.

From the dreamy waters of Puget Sound: The new Lavry Engineering AD122-96 MX.

The AD122-96 MX was created for use in tracking, mixing, mastering and post applications, and is available now for an MSRP of $8,100. Here are more details, direct from Lavry Engineering:

The LavryGold AD122-96 MX allows clarity even when recording at full scale. The audibly superior results obtained with the MX can be a real competitive edge when recording hot.

This beautiful piece of technology boasts extremely close inter-channel matching that extends to the lowest signal levels preserves the spatial placement and depth of the stereo image. Ultra-stable internal and external clocking circuitry virtually eliminates the non-musical distortion effects caused by jitter in conversion. With unique self-calibration circuitry, conversion accuracy is maintained over a wide range of operating temperatures, and the effects of circuitry aging are minimized.

Building on the magnificent track-record of the LavryGold AD122-96 MkIII, the AD122-96 MX retains the transparency of the MkII with the additional benefit of even more graceful handling of clipping. The MkIII has a reputation for handling clipping with less harshness than other brands of converters, and now, the MX takes this quality to a new level.

For those who utilize clipping as a method for attaining the maximum audible level on their recordings, the AD122-96 MX provides a more musical result without the loss of quality typically associated with pushing the clipping envelope. Below the highest peak levels, the MX is as linear as the MkIII; so the best qualities of the MkIII are retained for the majority of the music signal. When recording at the level where the highest peaks are clipped, the MX offers increased musicality when compared to most other AD converters.

For the same level of detail and accuracy, the MX model retains the -127dB noise floor 20-20kHz and 0.00005% distortion for signals below -40dBFS as the AD122-96 MkIII. Extremely close inter-channel matching that extends to the lowest signal levels preserves the spatial placement and depth of the stereo image. Ultra-stable internal and external clocking circuitry virtually eliminates the non-musical distortion effects caused by jitter in conversion.

With unique self-calibration circuitry, conversion accuracy is maintained over a wide range of operating temperatures, and the effects of circuitry aging are minimized over years of use. In addition to the improved handling of clipped signals, Lavry’s exclusive selectable Soft Saturation also facilitates “hotter” recording levels without undesirable artifacts.

Soft Saturation is a digital emulation of analog tape saturation which leaves the signal completely linear below the threshold, with selectable 3 or 6dB of additional level. For signals above the threshold, the process has no attack and release time constants which could cause undesirable “pumping” or “breathing” by interacting with compression or limiting applied either before or after conversion. The MX model offers the flexibility of the Soft Saturation modes or linear operation, with the ability to handle high levels of clipping without the loss in quality common to other converters.

Key Features:

  • Graceful handling of clipping allows more apparent level without loss of musicality
  • 24 bit conversion at 96kHz, 88.2kHz, 48kHz and 44.1kHz
  • Unequaled detail and performance
  • True -127dB noise floor
  • 0.00005% Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise
  • Lavry’s exclusive αcoustic βit Correction for wordlength reduction with dither and noise shaping
  • Switchable digital soft-knee limiter, +3 or +6dB gain
  • Precision reference meter bridge
  • Fully programmable digital test tones for system alignment
  • AES and word clock external synchronization 40-51kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz
  • DC removal
  • Absolute Polarity Inversion
  • Multi-converter synchronization

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