Radial Launches Tossover — Variable Frequency Divider for 500 Series

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They are cranking out the new 500 series modules at Radial Engineering at a record pace – but we don’t think anyone’s going to complain about that fact.

The latest addition to the Radial line is the Tossover, a 500 series module that enables users to divide the frequency bands of an audio signal, to separately process lows and highs or combine the two in series to create a band-pass filter. The Tossover is available now for MSRP $400.

Don’t overlook the Tossover: this new 500 module helps open up some interesting new possibilities in the mix.

The Tossover should definitely open up some creative options in the studio. Here’s what Radial Engineering has to say about it:

“Radial Senior Engineer Dan Fraser: ‘The Tossover is a clever tool that can be used to process high or low frequencies separately so that various effects can be applied to a specific frequency region. An example would be applying compression to the bass range of a snare drum while allowing the highs to be fully dynamic. Another could be to adding distortion to the upper registers of a bass while leaving the bottom end unaffected. The options are truly unlimited.’

The front panel sports two sets of controls whereby one set is focused on the mid and high frequencies, while the other separates the mid and bass frequencies so that each can be processed individually. The frequency knob lets you adjust the cut-off point and the amplitude knob is used to adjust the signal level. To intensify the effect, each frequency divider is equipped with a three position filter that may be set with a 12, 18 or 24 dB per octave slope. This enables the Tossover to also work double duty as an elaborate filter to either warm up tracks or reduce unwanted resonance. A handy front panel switch enables the two filters to be combined in series to create a band-pass filter to enhance the mid-range on a lead guitar track or make a snare stand out.

The Tossover may be used with any 500 series rack via the XLR in/out connections. When used with a Radial Workhorse, the functionality is enhanced by allowing both of the frequency bands to be processed simultaneously whereby the low-pass filter stem can be directed to the XLR out and the high-pass filter stem sent to the Omniport. A miniature slider switch near the card edge connector allows the user to toggle the output as needed.”


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