Pedal Mini-Review: Pigtronix Fat Drive

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Delicious Audio took a look at Pigtronix’s new Fat Drive pedal. We excerpt it here, but click thru for more details and video.

Fat Drive

In a world where you can’t swing a guitar without knocking 10 Tubescreamer clones off the shelf, new entrants to the over-saturated overdrive market had better have something new to say. Pigtronix’s new Fat Drive (street $140) accomplishes this by exploiting what some might perceive as a weakness in Fender-style guitars — it adds girth to thin-sounding single coil pickups.

Don’t get me wrong: It works just fine with humbuckers too, but the sound this pairing creates, while perfectly proficient, isn’t remarkable.

Where it really shines is in letting a Strat play in Gibson’s sandbox with a click of a toe, giving Fender players the best of both worlds at a relatively reasonable price.

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