Brainworx Unveils bx_stereomaker – Frequency Optimized M/S Upmixing Tool

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For German software developer Brainworx, finding ways to put new Mid/Side (M/S) mixing tools is a primary obsession. The latest illustration of this pursuit is the bx_stereomaker, an enticing new VST/AAX/AU/RTAS plugin which will be officially available on August 27th (price not yet announced).

Twist it in the mix: You’ll be able to maximize mono signals with the upcoming bx_stereomaker.

Our experience with Brainworx M/S mixing tools has proven them to be invaluable to enhancing a mix. Since we can’t put our hands on it just yet, we’ll have to trust what Brainworx has to say about it – their exact words follow:

“How many times did you have to mix a well-recorded signal which just won´t fit in the mix… because it´s mono. With modern mixes becoming tighter and tighter (but wider and wider as well) adding reverb or FX like chorus won´t quite help now as you don´t want to lose the tight center of a lead vocal, acoustic & electric guitar or a screaming synth sound. Still you need to spread these sounds to lay them into the mix perfectly…

bx_stereomaker will do the job.

It creates a virtual S signal with analog style filters using advanced digital science. You can solo this virtual S signal! bx_stereomaker will enhance any mono signal to stereo, while allowing you to balance the center of the stereo signal and paying attention to the frequency range of your signal.

bx_stereomaker is part of the new Brainworx Rock´n´Roll line.

It will be available individually or as a part of the Pro version of bx_rockrack!

Embed mono signals in modern mixes. Wide & tight! Out August 27th.”


2 Comments on Brainworx Unveils bx_stereomaker – Frequency Optimized M/S Upmixing Tool

  1. A Name
    August 20, 2012 at 9:46 pm (13 years ago)

    Does this mean that my current version of bx_rockrack is not pro?

    • BX
      September 18, 2012 at 11:40 am (12 years ago)

      We had plans of offering a “Pro bundle” which would have featured the SAME bx_rockrack plugin you have bought, but we decided against it and are offering existing bx_rockrack users to add bx_stereomaker for a very special price instead. The new Plugin Alliance “Dynamic Discounts” make old-school fixed bundles obsolete. Your bx_rockrack guitar amp plugin is as pro as it gets! 😉
      Dirk / Brainworx.