Event Choice: Crowdfunding Seminar with TuneFund.com at Sam Ash, Saturday 5/12

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Fresh off its launch, the innovative new crowdfunding site TuneFund.com will be will be presenting a seminar on crowdfunding for musicians this Saturday, May 12th at 1pm, at Sam Ash Music on 156 West 48th Street. There is no need to RSVP, but seating is limited.

Get face to face with the founder of TuneFund this Saturday.

TuneFund.com founder Greg Remillard gives the latest intelligence for artists and producers on how to raise money for their music projects using this powerful fund raising tool.

Using TuneFund as a model, Remillard will demonstrate how to set up, maintain and market a crowdfunding campaign. This is a great opportunity to learn how to this increasingly powerful career tool in today’s music industry.

Here’s more background on NYC-based TuneFund:

Focused solely on music, TuneFund is geared for independent musicians who need to cover major expenses, and acts as a portal for artistic patronage, providing tools and guidance for artists to get funding rolling even as they concentrate on creative output.

TuneFund aids musicians in appealing directly to fans – including friends and family – to fund specific projects, from recording to building a band website to mounting a multi-city tour. Designed with simplicity in mind, the TuneFund platform provides all the necessary tools – including music upload – to launch and promote a crowdfunding campaign to a network of fans. TuneFund also integrates seamlessly with all social networks to help campaigns go viral.

There is no cost to initiate a TuneFund crowdfunding campaign. TuneFund applies a 10% administrative fee to the campaign’s gross. Meanwhile, TuneFund claims no interest in intellectual property rights, which remain in complete ownership of musicians.

TuneFund was launched by Greg Remillard, a New York-based producer and recording engineer with deep experience at Internet strategy and online marketing. He co-founded and led the recent sale of DoodleDeals.com, a successful daily deal site. Remillard is also co-author of Real Web Project Management: Case Studies and Best Practices from the Trenches (Addison Wesley), a leading guide to web development and project management.

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