2012 Winter NAMM Tech Highlights

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While Anaheim is most famous for attracting hoards of children to Disneyland each year, this past weekend the “adults” of the music world got to take over for a long weekend.

The enormous Anaheim Convention Center was absolutely packed with virtually every gear and instrument manufacturer that one could imagine. As I had never been to a Winter NAMM show this was a great treat for me, and I had an awesome day walking around and chatting with representatives from some of my favorite companies. My only complaint was the fact that, pathetically, my legs were sore the next day!

This year at NAMM there were quite a few big announcements from some major players in the audio world, along with the typically exciting spread for musicians, so without further ado… let’s discuss:

Universal Audio

In the past ten years, Universal Audio (UA) has a come a long way, not only continuing to make their classic hardware products, but also creating one of the best lines of plug-ins that’s out there right now. They’ve really embraced the DAW age, and in the process have created what most engineers and producers now consider an essential part of their creative toolset. This year there was a lot of buzz surrounding UA’s release of their first foray into the world of multi-channel audio interfaces: Apollo.

The Apollo interface is feature-packed: Offering 18×24 inputs and outputs, it will work at sample rates up to 192 kHz and connects to the user’s CPU via either Firewire 800 or Thunderbolt. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of Apollo’s functionality is that it is also loaded with either the UAD DUO or QUAD DSP cards, so you’ll also be able to run the full complement of UAD plug-ins when using the interface.

Apollo can also be completely software controlled, and UA has built a fantastic software interface that works seamlessly with most DAWs. For the first time, UAD users will be able to use their coveted plug-ins with near zero latency! Not only that, but you are now able to track with as many DSP-powered plug-ins as you like, and you also have the option to print the processed tracks as you record; with less than 2 ms of input latency. The system is naturally instantly recallable, and in the demos that I saw, is very solidly incorporated with the user’s choice of DAW.

Apollo w/ laptop. Available in both DUO CORE ($1,999) and QUAD CORE ($2,499) processing in this first quarter of 2012.

In addition to the Apollo interface, UA also announced a new Direct Development partner for their UAD-2 platform: Sonnox. As with other third-party developers like Brainworx and SPL, this partnership means that Sonnox will be able to directly create software for the UAD platform, and to sell these plug-ins via UA’s online store.

I was also assured by Lev Perrey, UA’s Director of Product Management, that AAX and 64-bit versions of all of the UAD plug-ins are a top priority, and that they should be ready by the end of the year.

Slate Pro Audio / Slate Digital

I was excited to see some big surprises here! Steven Slate was on hand to announce three big new products, two of which were completely unexpected. First of all, the new Raven X1 Production Console was introduced.

The Raven is a unique console and control surface solution for DAW users. It is, essentially, a monitor and cue section loaded into a 32-channel frame. Along with racks for favorite gear, the Raven also ships with 4 Avid Artist Mix controllers pre-loaded, as well as an LCD monitor, metering, and a unique set of laptop-style monitors built into the surface. This is definitely a cool (and more cost effective) alternative to Avid’s D-Control and Command control surfaces.

While price is still TBD on the Raven, and the model on the show floor was just the prototype, Slate Pro Audio assures the first consoles will start shipping in 60 days.

Designed for the new age of audio production

Next up from Slate was the new Siren D3 Monitoring system. The Siren is a 1,000 watt 3-way monitor speaker with a phase-linear DSP-powered crossover. The coolest thing about these monitors is that the user can alter the crossover settings remotely using an iPhone app; different speaker response characteristics can be easily emulated by changing the way the crossover works. This feature essentially gives the user several different types of monitors all in the same package.

Slate Pro Audio's new Siren D3 Monitoring system

Last but not least was Slate’s new tape emulation plug-in, called the VTM (Virtual Tape Machine). Although tape emulations have been a bit de-rigueur over the past few years I’m definitely excited to hear what this one sounds like. The VTM models two machines, a 16 track 2”, and a 2 track 1/2”, and according to Slate, every aspect of the machines’ characteristics were gone over. In fact, Slate’s CTO, Fabrice Gabriel went as far as to say that the algorithm they used was “bloody” in its complexity: sounds good to me!

Pricing/availability on the Siren D3 and Slate Digital VTM plug-in have not yet been announced. Stay tuned!

Dangerous Music

Over at Dangerous Music, the major news was their brand-new monitor controller called the Dangerous Source.

Dangerous designed the Source with portability in mind, incorporating the components and build quality of their other monitor controllers into a smaller box. This is a desktop or rack installable unit providing monitor control for up to two pairs of speakers and headphones with digital, analog and USB sources. Especially notable here is that this is a “Dangerous”-ly well-crafted product at a sub 1k price point!

The Source has two headphone outs, a USB-in for use of Dangerous’ superior D/A converters in place of a traditional I/O interface, and multiple digital and analog inputs (including an 1/8’ in). An especially interesting feature, which you’ll be hard-pressed to find in another small-footprint monitoring solution, is the inclusion of four monitor outputs that can all be used at the same time if desired; users can monitor on two sets of different speakers, or incorporate a subwoofer as a supplement to one set of speakers. The Source will begin shipping in the 2nd quarter of 2012.

Dangerous Source beneath a 13" MacBook


Perhaps the biggest news Moog had at NAMM this year was the introduction of the Minitaur, a new analog synth based on their classic Taurus foot pedals. I got to spend some time with it and it sounds incredible! Equally appealing is the Minitaur’s low price: $679.00 MSRP.

The Minitaur has a small footprint, but really sounds enormous; definitely a great addition to the Moog line.

Cyril Lance, a senior engineer at Moog was nice enough to show me some of the other newer Moog products as well, including the Anamoog iPad app, their 500-series Ladder Filter, and the Cluster Flux Moogerfooger pedal. As per usual with Moog products, all three designs sound incredible and are incredibly musical in their orientation and usability. A really inspiring visit!

Moog Minitaur will be available in the Spring. MSRP: $679

Line 6

Line 6 debuted a surprising new product this year called the StageScape M20d. The StageScape is an all-in-one digital mixer for live sound, targeting bands and musicians who want great sound and ease of use.

The most remarkable thing about this product is the touchscreen interface and GUI. All functions of the mixer can be accessed by a 7” color touchscreen that controls easy-to-use software; all mixing is done using a graphical representation of instruments on a stage. For the technically uninitiated this makes the live sound mixing process incredible simple; just orient what’s on the screen to match what you see in front of you and you have the beginnings of a solid live mix.

Of course, the user can go deeper, incorporating easy-to-use effects and recording capabilities as well. There are 12 mic pres/inputs built-in, as well as 4 line inputs, 4 monitor outputs, USB, and two main speaker outs. Additionally, the StageScape can also be controlled by iPad!

The Line 6 StageScape M20d is available now at an MSRP of $2,799.99.


As noted above under the Universal Audio heading, one of the more notable pieces of news with Sonnox this year is that their full line of plug-ins will now run on the UAD  Powered Plug-Ins platform. However, this is definitely not the only news. Sonnox is one of the first plug-in developers to offer their full line of products in not only 64-bit code, but Avid’s AAX format as well! This is great news, as these plugs are so well-loved and used!

Additionally, I got to see a demo of the Sonnox Fraunhofer Pro-Codec. Although it isn’t brand-spanking new, I have to say that it is an invaluable tool! The Pro-Codec allows the user to hear their mix in multiple codec formats in real-time within the DAW; you can instantly hear exactly what an mp3 or m4a version of your material will sound like. Definitely a unique piece of software and great to have around!


Shure’s news this year is on the wireless front, specifically with their new ULX-D Digital Wireless system. Given that the FCC has shrunk the bandwidth available for wireless networks, new efficiency is needed, and the ULX-D is Shure’s answer. The ULX-D system converts incoming signal digitally, and broadcasts the digital signal to the receiver. This system not only allows for greater accuracy, but allows a full 14 streams per channel, maximizing the narrow bandwidth currently available.

The ULX-D1 sports a rugged build, and uses lithium-ion batteries which provide a 12-hour life per charge. Click for more details and pricing.

Additionally this year, Shure is getting into the professional open-backed headphone market with two offerings, the SRH-1440, and SRH-1840. Open-backed headphones are prized because of their naturalistic sound, depth of field, and wide imaging characteristics.

Shure's SRH-1440 and 1840 will be available soon at an MSRP of $399 and $699 respectively


Sennheiser also has a wireless offering this year, but on the more affordable end of the spectrum with their XS Series. Designed for ease-of-use, the XS series offers true diversity reception, 8 frequency banks with 12 coordinated channels each, up to 10-hour operation using AA batteries, and a scan function which easily identifies all available frequencies.

The XS series comes in several different configurations (Instrument, Vocal, Presentation), all around the $400.00 range which makes it a powerful and affordable solution for most budgets.

XS Wireless line includes two systems for vocalists (like the one pictured here) and one instrument set for guitarists.


On the live and installed sound tip, Harman introduced a new version of HiQnet system configuration and control protocol. The new Crown HiQnet Band Manager 2 is a simplified version of the software designed for smaller systems, giving musicians, DJs and venues control and monitoring for Crown Audio’s XTi 2 product lines. Users will be able to manage up to eight XTi 2 amplifiers via intuitive USB interface. Click for more details.

Lexicon’s news was that its PCM Native Effects and PCM Native Reverb plug-ins will now available individually. Starting in February, the 14 PC- and Mac-compatible plug-ins, including Pitch Shift, MultiVoice Pitch, Chorus, Resonant Chords, Stringbox, Vintage Plate, Concert Hall and Chamber, will be available individually at prices ranging from $199 – $699 a pop.

So Much To See

Beyond what I’ve outlined above I was able to see a myriad of other wonderful offerings, including Peavey’s Auto-Tune guitar, some stellar mic amp and summing options from Phoenix Audio, and Arturia’s fantastic new analog synth – the MiniBrute.

Arturia's new MiniBrute analog synthesizer. MSRP: $550. Available in April 2012.

I also saw some great offerings from Blue Microphones for musician-recordists and discriminating consumers, including the Spark Digital iPad mic, the Mikey Digital iPhone mic and interface, and the new Tiki USB mic.

Looking forward, I am hoping to give more in-depth reviews of some of these new products in the near future, and in the meantime, I’ll be bathing my aching legs in Epsom salts!

Bo Boddie is a Grammy winning engineer/producer and composer who has worked with Santana, Everlast, Korn, Reni Lane, and many others. He just completed work on Imperial Teen’s second release on Merge Records, as well as composition work on HBO’s 3rd season of Hung.

1 Comment on 2012 Winter NAMM Tech Highlights

  1. Glowbot the Jew
    January 26, 2012 at 7:11 pm (13 years ago)

    Amazing! Congrats and Keep producing