Delicious Audio Review: TWA Triskelion TK-01 Pedal

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Our friends at Delicious Audio recently reviewed the TWA’s Triskelion TK-01 pedal…read a bit below, and visit Delicious Audio for the complete review!

Triskelion ($349) is a “hear me roar” sort of pedal

The TWA’s Triskelion TK-01 is a pedal named after an occult druidic sign. If that sounds very metal to you, you won’t be disappointed by the pedal’s equally aggressive hard rock tones. Cryptically described as a “harmonic energizer modulation” effect, the Triskelion operates more or less as a standard EQ boost/distortion pedal.

Its sound is inspired by the Maestro Parametric Filter MPF, a rare Bob Moog-designed 70’s effect used by hard rock bands such as Rush and Queens of the Stone Age. It has a highly sculpted and severe tone, which – medieval iconography aside – has a distinctly modern appeal.

The pedal has 3 control knobs: Energy and Variant Mass, which operate the EQ section and Amplitude which drives the distortion circuit. The Energy knob shapes the Q or severity of the parametric boost while Variant Mass sweeps the desired frequency. There is also a Boost button, which adds in subtle octave harmonics for a more shimmery tone.

As mentioned, the Amplitude controls the amount of distortion, which goes from a fizzy medium overdrive to glass-shattering. If you’d rather just use the EQ by itself, the distortion can be bypassed by pressing the Engage button. Besides the standard input and output there’s also an insert jack for an expression pedal, opening up the possibilities for some extreme wah-wah effects.

Click thru to Delicious Audio for the rest of this review!

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