Universal Audio Clinic Featuring Vaughan Merrick at Alto NYC, 11/17

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On Thursday, November 17, Alto Music NYC will host a Universal Audio clinic led by Grammy-winning recording/mix engineer Vaughan Merrick (Amy Winehouse, Mark Ronson, Jason Mraz).

Vaughan Merrick, engineer extraordinaire

See and hear the UA analog hardware and UAD-2 Powered Plug-ins in action, including the recently released Ampex ATR-102 and MXR Flanger/Doubler plug-ins.

(If you’re thinking about getting into the world of UAD Powered plug-ins, or want to upgrade or add to your system, or just want to hear the latest and mix with some audio friends, you should come to this event!)

The clinic will be hosted by Universal Audio’s Bruce MacPherson, at Alto NYC’s 29th Street studio/showroom.

Space is limited so please RSVP to shane@altomusic.com.

Full Coordinates:
Universal Audio Clinic
Thursday, Nov. 17, 6PM
@ Alto Music NYC
146 W. 29th Street, Suite 4RW
RSVP to shane@altomusic.com


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