Audio Network Announces Composer Search

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Audio Network (AN), with offices in NYC, has launched a composer search, as it seeks to add artists to its international music library.

Emerging composers can get on Audio Networks' radar.

AN says that it will be accepting music submissions from composers across the United States that cover a full range of music styles including classical, hip hop, country, rock and beyond.

The company’s current roster of established international composers, orchestras and artists include The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Dame Evelyn Glennie OBE, and the late Sir John Dankworth CBE.

AN provides film, TV, advertising and multimedia music supervisors and producers with a catalogue of over 45,000 tracks pre-cleared for multiple formats. In addition, AN continues to add 1,000 new tracks each month to its library.  Clients have included BBC, HBO, MSN, MTV Networks, National Geographic, Ogilvy and YouTube.

The deadline for original music submissions is January 1, 2012. Composers can submit material by sending an email with the subject line “Call For Composers” to with a link to a streaming site (MySpace, YouTube, Soundcloud or similar). Further details on Audio Network’s composer submissions can be found here.

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