Event Alert: Live @Culture Fix Tonight, 10/26 with WhyHunger

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Tonight, Wednesday, October 26, the networking event Live @Culture Fix returns to the LES. The location is Culture Fix, 9 Clinton Street, starting at 7:00 PM.

Tonight the series presents Hillary Zuckerberg of WhyHunger. She is the director of Artists Against Hunger & Poverty, a program of WhyHunger which was started by the late Harry Chapin in 1975.

The topic will be the program itself, and how artists can get involved in charitable efforts.

In addition to being a mixer, L@CF also features live sets from NYC area performers and touring songwriters. Featured songwriters appearing from 8:30-11 PM include Steven Delopoulos of Burlap to Cashmere, Tatiana Moroz, Jen Chapin, and Denise Barbarita.

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