Caveman, Weekend, Widowspeak, Tall Ships & More Record At The Fred Perry Artists Lounge

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Last Friday’s Fred Perry Artists Lounge at Stratosphere Sound was a blast!

The Fred Perry Artists Lounge Bill

Engineer/dynamo Geoff Sanoff recorded sets by Caveman, Weekend, Widowspeak, Waters, Gauntlet Hair, 1, 2, 3, and Tall Ships in whirlwind sessions throughout the day. (Pics below!)

Thanks to event sponsor Blue Microphones, the studio had Blue Dragonfly, Reactor, Woodpecker and Mouse mics on drums, Vox and AC30 amps, and glockenspiel, while Blue encore 200 or 300 mics captured all the vocals. Band interviews were recorded on a Yeti Pro in the Studio B booth.

The day’s best music and interviews (by the hilarious David Rees) will be released as a CMJ mixtape via Insound. Soon. We’ll let you know when.

In the evening, SoundToys brought some guests over from the Javits Center for a post-AES hang. A regular SoundToys user, Sanoff expects the Decapitator, FilterFreak and EchoBoy plug-ins to come in big as he’s mixing the material – two songs per band.

Stay tuned for our behind-the-scenes video of this live recording session, with band impressions and production notes.

In the meantime, live vicariously through these photos of the event (by Diana Wong) below – it’ll be as if you were there…

Gauntlet Hair

Gauntlet Hair


Gauntlet Hair


Stratosphere Studio A







Weekend. Blue Reactor set-up as the mono drum mic.




Geoff Sanoff at the Neve 8068

Stratosphere Control Room














1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3


Tall Ships


Tall Ships


Tall Ships



More party-goers


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