Avid Launches Pro Tools 10, Pro Tools|HDX DAW

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Avid announced the availability of Pro Tools 10, and the new Pro Tools|HDX DAW systems at a NYC press conference tonight.

Pro Tools 10 represents “a gigantic leap in sound and speed,” incorporating over 50 major new features, including clip gain, real time fades, the new Channel Strip plug-in (based on the Euphonix System 5 console channel strip), Eucon enhancements, and more. See below for the full range of features and capabilities.

The new Pro Tools|HDX DSP Accelerator card

The Pro Tools|HDX system is the new generation of HD systems, and represents a milestone in Avid’s development of DSP-accelerated hardware, delivering up to 5x more DSP per card, over a thousand dB of additional headroom, and up to 4x the track counts and 2x the I/O compared to its Pro Tools|HD Accel predecessor.

The system can be scaled to increase track counts, power, and I/O, using up to three Pro Tools|HDX cards and multiple Pro Tools HD Series interfaces.

With this new addition there are now two options in the Pro Tools|HD family:

Customers can choose the Pro Tools|HD Native system if they need the workflows and sound quality of Pro Tools HD and want to leverage their host computer to get the best performance and lowest latency, or they can choose the next-level DSP-accelerated Pro Tools|HDX system and get “consistent peak performance and near-zero latency to handle extremely large and complex productions.”

According to Avid, with Pro Tools |HDX, you get the following features and capabilities…

Mix bigger, better projects faster

– Get up to 5x the processing power of previous generation cards
– Manage larger productions with fewer cards, with up to 4x the playable track counts
– Work with up to 64 channels of I/O per card, enabling larger configurations with fewer cards

More headroom

– Over 1,000 dB additional headroom and higher resolution sound, thanks to the new floating-point architecture
– Capture, monitor, and output audio in pristine clarity with a choice of Pro Tools HD Series interfaces

Pro Tools HD 10 software

– Record and play back up to 256 audio tracks per card (or play back up to 768 tracks with three cards) to support the most massive mixes
– Get great recording and playback responsiveness with the extended disk cache, which can load entire sessions into RAM, and ensures maximum track counts from networked-attached storage, such as Avid Unity ISIS, and slower local drives
– Control up to 12 Pro Tools|HD systems from one using the Satellite Link option
– Mix audio from up to two Pro Tools|HD systems with a D-Command control surface through Multi-mode

Pro Tools 10 UI

New AAX Plug-in Format

– Pro Tools HD 10 introduces the new AAX (Avid Audio eXtension) plug-in format, enabling better workflows and sound parity when sharing sessions between DSP-accelerated and Native-based Pro Tools systems
– With two formats available – AAX DSP and AAX Native – AAX opens the door to future advancements in Pro Tools technology. According to Avid, over 25 third party developers will be showing new AAX plug-ins at AES this weekend.

The Pro Tools|HDX system with Pro Tools 10 HD starts at just under $10K, and will be available before the end of the year. Click for more information.

As for the new Pro Tools 10 software, there are a whole slew of new capabilities, particularly time-saving functionality, and improved sound quality.

Available now! Link below...

Here’s the rundown of new capabilities with Pro Tools 10:

– Speed up pre-mix and editing workflows with Clip Gain, which separates pre-mix levels from Pro Tools software’s mixing automation,
– Experience better performance – even on network-attached or slow local drives – with disk handling improvements and real-time fades
– Get more flexibility – and 24-hour timeline capability – when conforming multiple projects into a single timeline
Sound your best, faster than ever
– Use multiple file formats and mixed bit depths in the same project – including interleaved – without converting files
– Record, edit, and mix in higher resolution with 32-bit floating-point file format support
– Get the sound of the renowned System 5 console EQ and dynamics with the Avid Channel Strip plug-in, now included with Pro Tools 10

Pro Tools 10 is available now. Pricing starts at $699. If you’re a current PT 9 user, the upgrade is $299. Click for more information.

29 Comments on Avid Launches Pro Tools 10, Pro Tools|HDX DAW

  1. Anonymous
    October 21, 2011 at 5:13 am (13 years ago)

    “Use multiple file formats and mixed bit depths in the same project – including interleaved – without converting files” Say what?? This sounds nothing like the Pro Tools I know.

    • sick & Tired
      November 14, 2011 at 10:16 am (13 years ago)

      exactly, So fn wut, steingberg has been doing this 4 yearrrrrrrsssss, big deal right!?

  2. Anonymous
    October 21, 2011 at 5:13 am (13 years ago)

    “Use multiple file formats and mixed bit depths in the same project – including interleaved – without converting files” Say what?? This sounds nothing like the Pro Tools I know.

  3. Keith Everette Smith
    October 21, 2011 at 2:27 pm (13 years ago)

    So is it 64bit or not?  32bit floating is great for audio, but my software instruments REALLY need PT to go to 64bit.  

    • Randy
      October 21, 2011 at 2:30 pm (13 years ago)

      From what I have read so far, it is 10 will be 32 bit, as it is ransitional and stll supports rts and tdm.  11 will leave those behind and go to 64bit.

      • Keith Everette Smith
        October 22, 2011 at 4:11 pm (13 years ago)

        I’ll believe it when I see it.  My software instruments really need 64bit.  So bummed.

        • joe steals
          October 23, 2011 at 7:17 pm (13 years ago)

          No VST or 64 bit and still pushing the HD thing. AVID is a joke, they truly are a bunch of blind, lost greedy idiots.

          • Industry-type
            October 23, 2011 at 7:39 pm (13 years ago)

            The time when you could charge $10000 for anything to do with Audio is so over. I’m sure its lovely, but it isn’t 20 times better than Audition or Logic, and as mentioned – Reaper is free!  You’ll always need decent A-D-A, but the DSP ship has sailed. A modern i7 machine has enough power for 95% of modern audio tasks (WITH THE RIGHT 64-BIT SOFTWARE SUPPORT…!!! – OOPS!!!)  Equally, if you want DSP, someone clever is going to figure out how to run audio plugins on CUDA graphics cards – then it truly is over for Avid.

        • sick & Tired
          November 14, 2011 at 10:12 am (13 years ago)

          Go with Cubase or b=Nuendo and put an end to the drama bro!

  4. Anonymous
    October 21, 2011 at 5:46 pm (13 years ago)

    Not 64 bit native? Not much different than 9? Still getting dominated in system performance by something as small and compact as reaper? No thanks, again…..

  5. Toast
    October 22, 2011 at 2:10 am (13 years ago)

    AVIID continues to push hardware when it is obvious they have lost power and competitive edge with Apple. Its a shame to see they are still over pricing themselves out of existence. Who in the world is going to pay 10000 for a start up system ..especially in this day and age..? 

    • Sick & Tired
      November 14, 2011 at 10:07 am (13 years ago)

      AMEN BROTHER AMEN AMEN PREACH IT PREACH IT, you sound like me 6 years ago!!!!

  6. Toast
    October 22, 2011 at 2:14 am (13 years ago)

    Word has it that Pro Tools Version 10 will be the crossgrade and the ONLY software release that will see both RTAS and TDM.. after version 10 AVID is moving to AAX ..which they hope will take over and will be a hit.. that comes of course with a hefty price tag. AVID is even worse than DIGI or maybe they were both and the same “MONEY WHORES”. Unbelievable amount of money for so little .. even the crossgrade package is expensive.. 6999.00 from PT HD9 to PT HD 10 HDX. I hope this works for them cause if it doesn’t or Apple revamps their audio engine AVID could be in serious trouble.

    • sick & Tired
      November 14, 2011 at 10:17 am (13 years ago)

      U know as of Cubase SX3 Steingberg has supported all of these formats!

    • eduardo finn
      May 2, 2012 at 6:57 am (12 years ago)

      Think about it, if avid were to sell there professional studio production equiptment at any where near reasonable prices, then the music industry would plummit… you gotta spend money to make money….. 

  7. Anonymous
    October 22, 2011 at 2:30 am (13 years ago)

    I haven’t even considered Apple as competition for Avid after their Final Cut X and Lion releases. It looks like they might be turning in the direction of pro-sumer, which will leave a lot of room for Avid to flourish.

  8. Bdb
    October 22, 2011 at 8:09 am (13 years ago)

    I haven’t seen a platform with the power of pro tools. It will be interesting to get to know the new features and hopefully time saving. I’m sure when the final switch comes the developers of third party plug-ins will offer cross-grades. The ones I use have been pretty good with that before. It’s kind of funny that apple users would complain about avid when apple releases barely changed products all the time (typed on an apple by the way). Only real progress is worth paying for. No matter who makes it. We’ll see where it goes. But so far Logic is for people who don’t need higher quality tools and audio. Try building a house with out proper tools and see what happens. BTW analog will never go out of format.

    • Sick & Tired
      November 14, 2011 at 10:05 am (13 years ago)

      r u a fucking retard?!
      All of the new features they boast are in Nuendo and have been for years. you really need to do your homeworkd and stop spreading BS, I normally don’t make harsh replies but enough is enough. you have’nt seen a more powerful platform?! WTF

      Cubase SX3 was more than PT HD3 and so on with Cubase 6. as of 5 years ago the need for HD3 CARDS was no more, the computers had already gotten so porwerful they could handle wut eva u dish so they had to come up with more ways to make you want to buy those expensive ass cards.

      Will you please wake the fuck up!

      • Bdb
        November 14, 2011 at 11:25 am (13 years ago)

        Calm down. Are all you able to do is rant and belligerently attack everybody you don’t agree with (and spell incorrectly). Its funny that you say you don’t normally post harsh replies when that’s all you seem to do (at least here).

         I’ll admit I have never used Cubase personally and I don’t use PTHD. I have looked at Cubase (not for over 5 years) and checked it out before I responded. I am open to hear your POV but when you act like a jerk like a lot of Apple/Windows  fans that I hate so much it just shuts off my wanting to hear you, even if you make a good point.

         I still prefer PT for the work I do. The work flow seems a lot less convoluted than Cubase. It seems Cubase is not very straight forward or visually pleasing, which for me is important when staring at a computer screen all day. I come from an audio background so maybe that’s a reason for my choice. I think it would be nice if you could just work with files from either platform opening the industry up to use what ever they feel like, but that’s not what they do. Not even Cubase as far as I know (maybe you know different).

        I prefer the tools in Protools you prefer Cubase, who cares. BTW have you noticed the plug ins are offering their own cards to take the load off you computer (in a cost effective way) especially if you are portable. So to say computers can handle anything you can dish out, you must not be dishing much (unless you have a custom system).

        I think its great for everyone to have competition but to treat others like you do doesn’t accomplish anything, It’s like flipping me off because I take a different freeway than you, and doesn’t accomplish anything productive.
        I’m sure you will respond but I won’t because it’s not worth the breath.

        • sick & Tired
          November 15, 2011 at 7:28 pm (13 years ago)

          Yes up until now Cubase/Nuendo was the only DAW offering  compatibility. Now Samplitude has finaly entered the game. Other than that Cubase /Nuendo does work with import & export everything!!!! and has for years.

          Further Cubase is very streamline, they just offer FAR FAR FAR more than all the other daws. I am more than sure just as so many others that Ive turned on to it… get the video tutorials and use for a month and u will not want to look back! i have over 87 engineers and producers that Ive have turned on to it and they all  thank me for waking them up from the high cost low competitive PT dream/spell that so many are under.

          Dude everyone misspells more-so when they are typing large bodies of text and most will use spell check, just because I did not use it dont use that as the only legitimate combat you can muster because you didnt like what I said.

          I am sick and tired of the crap simple! I cant take the mediocracy of less being sold as more and so many excepting it but then trying to fashiously force you to make the same lame mistake because they willingly did and they dont want to feel alone.

          ie: “EVERY! is using PT and U have 2 also if U want ur studio 2 be in biz.”

          Why should I spend 10 times the amount for so much less then be unhappy cause so many katz are just monkey see monkey do!? People need to wake up and start making these manufactures offer some product thats viable and full in accordance to the available technology to date, Steinberg Does it whole hearted-ly Digi design Avid does not and then they have the nerve to sell it for Donald Trump Loto.

          A base model of PT HD $12,000 thats a few channels in/out 1 card no computer, for that much I can build a custom PC 64bit 32 gig DDR3 Intel XEON, Plus Nuendo5.5, RME HDSPe MADI (x2) and 48 Channels of DA/AD with either SSL, RME, etc and still have money left over for a for UAD-2 QUAD…
          …For the SAMe AMOUNT.

          so yeah I get tired of the crap PT could atleast sound good! There are so many people I advise and give facts/evidence and its amazing how many people can not make up their own freeking mind, most are so worried about what the majority is doing instead of gathering the intell making a practical assessment based on it and following own heart! Just weak! Its annoying to see that much weakness. so yeah Im sick and tired

          and another thing… Stop being such a pussy and get out of your feelings, be a man! This is a harsh world we live in and if you can not see through anything to gain/see the true value in it then how much less you will be, expecialy any offspring you may have coming up with such a passive, “Oh My feelings are hurt over what you said mentality. You will call me unappropriated and yet going into the Military they talk to yo like your not even human and all to get you out of the way of yourself and your comfortable living so that you can be something more than what you were thew day b4!

          Saying it politely, “Stop being such a bitch and tuff-n up!”

          “Elevate your mind and your sound will follow.”

          • Matt Verzola
            November 15, 2011 at 8:18 pm (13 years ago)

            you’re posts are actually turning me OFF to Cubase.

      • Janice Brown
        November 14, 2011 at 8:03 am (13 years ago)

        Hey S&T, I appreciate your point-of-view and the time you’ve spent in pursuit of the best platform for you, but please – let’s keep it respectful here. People have had different experiences. Some have much less experience as well. Be great if we could learn something in this discussion, but the hostility kinda kills it.

    • sick & Tired
      November 16, 2011 at 3:12 am (13 years ago)

      That is what we all pray my friend!!

  9. Joey Chaparro
    October 23, 2011 at 10:03 pm (13 years ago)

    oh yeah, i just got an email from avid saying that im eligible for a free upgrade. sweet.

  10. Djbarona
    November 7, 2011 at 11:44 pm (13 years ago)


    • Anonymous
      November 30, 2011 at 5:02 am (13 years ago)


      *ahem* *cough*


      Ah yes. Excuse me. Pardon. I just remembered that people other than myself you know, exist.

  11. Sick & Tired
    November 14, 2011 at 10:13 am (13 years ago)

    Its about damn time!!!,

    All of these things they are speaking so highly of about PT10, Ive been doing in cubase & Nuendo 3.2 for YEARRRRRRS! Avid has finally caught up to the curve and all you poor pweople that have been getting bent over a table all these burning money on the digi system, “DO you really want to give away anymore money to this company?”

    The use power of suggestion, deep pocket marketing budgets to monopolize and over charge for in adequate DAW features & sound quality! Ive been working in 32bit float for yearrrrrs and the guys at GC Pro “under contract” will say, “ohh well it does not matter, your convertor is only 24bit; blah.blah.” NOW they are boasting as if they have invented CANNED PUSSY…! At got into the digital game 6 years ago, I spent a year testing and researching every DAW available and hands down you couldnt beat a Steinberg Cubase SX3 &/or Nuendo3 rig. I purchased an RME Multiface and in 44.1@16bit I was KILLING these katz PTHD3 systems!
    “Im saying there was NO comparison in sound quality nor features!” We ran many test on location at major studios running PT with MPC2000XL, Motif, CDplayer w/Mozarts CD, VOCALS male/Female featuring Neve Micpre’s & U87 etc., Acoustic guitars, various bass guiars ran direct and so-on.

    EVERY1 would pic the files in Cubase SL3 over the files in PT HD3 and yes I did say {SL3} cause thats what I purchased first off $300 + an RME Multiface $1,100 verses this so called ‘HD3 system $12,000 not to mention a $3-4,000 Apple just to run it….

    … these first test were ran via splitter simultaneous and just record in and play back to see what one will do over the other.

    Cubase SL3 Killed it!!!!!
    I then purchased SX3 and aventually Nuendo 3.2 which also featured an highly advanced control panel feature which no other DAW offers to this day thus forcing you to buy big knobs/ central stations and so on with no where near the flexability!!!

    We did perform mix test w/ SX3 & Nuendo3.2  vs PTHD3 using WAVES DIAMOND BUNDLE, same setting on tracks etc. AGAIN
     No comparison at all!
    Waves on PT sounded like HAMMERED ASS, you know that good ole HARSH crispy no true sub having sound that PT HD3 is famous for! YET… Waves diamond for PT Rtas/TDM$5,000 and for VST$23,000!!! WTF

    The legacy and trend continues….

    Even in the controller the icon, control 24 and so on to their smaller controllers… Euphonix wore their asses out then released the pro-summer artist series controllers. SMASHED DIGIDESIGN/AVID SELLS COMPLETELY! With their B.S. flemsy ass controllers for top dollar and oh yeah it only controls protools. WTF

    Avid was left with no choice but to buy Euphonix and on the same front with DAW funny how PT10 looks more like Cubase 6!

    Digi has had to go native and FUCKING FINALLY give the feature set that other systems have been doing for years causes they were losing the market and getting their asses handed to them.. They have the nerveto make this snizzing HD video acting as if they innovated some kind of change in the world of audio recording and some asshole on it saying nothing sounds better than PT. WTF
    Fucking ACID sounds better than PTHD & TDM by leaps and bounds and even though now the ass wholes have FINALLY stepped up their game and now FINALLy we can trully say there is a lot of gray area between DAW PT does not sound the best, every1 knows Samplitude has always had a better engine, their issue was always workflow & features sets. Well now even Samplitude with their new version 11 has added features NOW that Ive been using in Cubase/Nuendo since version {3}!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Avid PT10 talking about clip gains as if its a woman with 3 Tits at about 36C! “its not regions anymore its clip gain fade now…blah blah! Shit I thought every DAW did that I ve been doing that for 6 years now in CUBASE & NUENDO!!! I have a buddy who owns a very Large studio here in in ATlanta, GA, for years hes always talking to me about DITHERING! I know what it is but Im always like “WTF Dither what? Thats just not something i have EVER gad to deal with and my lite mixes sound like they were recorded on tape and then mixed in digital! ETC.

    Stop letting these people bend you over a fucking desk and every1 on their administrative staff and share holders have a turn on your ass!

    ” So why is it when you walk into a retailer like Guitar Center and say, “I want to start a studio!”; but with all of the better solutions sitting in a box on the wall behind them they will EVERY TIME sit an Mbox in your face? ”
    ” Same reason why, they would an ICON sitting front center with the big plasma tv and genelecs, mean while they keep the Euponix MC5 in the God Damn back room locked away unexcessable to the public unless you know its there!!! “Ive been GC across the country on many occasions and IF they have a Euphonix MC Control it was turned off and SITTING ON ITS SIDE LIKE A RELEC used piece of gear that was severely over looked mean while every dumb ass wlaking in the talking about OHHHH the pretty light on the flemzyy wak asss propriotary ICON is so HOT!

    Now that avid owns Euphonix their all boasting!

    “So why is it when you go to a university and take an audio course they have PT labs only!”

    Same reason why so many people and studio waist money over the years buying their shit, Prince said it best,”We cant do right because; Monkey SEE Monkey DO!”

    Talk to AVIDS/Digidesigns Marketing Department and find out…

    They use the laws to power called:
    • the power of influence
    • The power of suggestion
    • the power of popular opinon
    • Band wagoning
    • peer preasure
    • All fueled by HEAVY HEAVY marketing dollars!

    In others words, go to the universities pay them to hold the classes and then give them all the PT equipment free and the give every student who takes the class a FREE Mbox

    In other words, They have contracts set up with corps like APPLE and GUITAR CENTER for instants where the digidesign PT products ARE DESIGNED to be lacking in features and sound quality too force you to have to come back into the stores and buy more shit that you do not need!!!! 4 instants
    How many people puirchased and HD3& tdm rig with the hyper clean BS this and that along with a $3K Genelec Monitor set up and then buy a makie big knob or a presonus central station in the signal chain?

    Let me say it for you… WTF, as of version 3.2 of Nuendo and after in all versions of Nuendo and Full Cubase they have an HIGHLY & UNPARALLED CONTROL PANEL!!!!!!!!!!! I go straight from Convertors to my Rotel PowerAmps and into my High Def Audiophile Mirage system in 5.4 surround and don’t miss a beat! and so those fuckers will argue an arguement from 10 year old technology where as if you adjust volume digitally you run into all sorts of issues BLAH BKAH BLAH,. People my ears kick ass every1 I know tell me this, I have an audiophile system for referencing SIMILAR to your mastering engineers, I AM HERE TO TELL YOU after i ran a several test with best professional grade control panel on the market that most people can afford the SPL MTC  $1,000 {great unit!} and using the control panel built into Nuendo/Cubase, neither myself nor any1 here can here the differents when the volume is reduced or the mono switch is engaged! ETC.

    Think what you want to think, ” I still say its about fucking time those unpatriotic asswholes at AVID step up and stop ripping off hard working Americans by selling garbage and then manipulating them into publicly believing that its gold!

    And you all should stop letting these companies screw you over! Do your homework research cross examine before you buy and make the purchase cause its makes since NOT because WELL So and So in timbuk2 is doing it too so I guess ama gonna do it 2. then turn and get upset at the guy who is showing you how much of an ass you allowed yourself to made out of!

    Sick & Fucking Tired

  12. James Onair
    February 28, 2012 at 1:40 am (13 years ago)

    I dont like the attitude from customer support at PT…a bunch of arrogant rocket scientists, sitting in a call center cubicle. My next upgrade is away from these bloodsuckers.