Crane Song to be Distributed by TransAudio Group in U.S.

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The boutique distributor/marketer TransAudio Group will distribute Crane Song hardware and software in the United States.

Crane Song has named TransAudio group as its U.S. distributor.

Crane Song’s current product line is comprised of nine units: the STC-8 compressor; *HEDD (Harmonically Enhanced Digital Device); FLAMINGO, a stereo microphone preamplifier; TRAKKER, a single channel compressor; SPIDER, an eight channel microphone preamplifier, mixer and A/D convertor; AVOCET, a discrete class A studio controller; IBIS, a stereo analog equalizer; EGRET, a highly flexible digital audio workstation back end; and PHOENIX, an analog modeling TDM plug-in suite for Pro Tools HD.

Crane Song founder Dave Hill is known for designing many of Summit Audio’s early products, including the legendary TLA-100 tube leveling amplifier, and is founder of Dave Hill Designs, also represented by TransAudio Group.

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