Temporary Residence Limited Signs Canon Blue

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Brooklyn-based record label Temporary Residence Limited — purveyors of post-rock and electro-folk fare by bands like Pinback, The Books, Explosions in the Sky, Mono and Grails — has signed Canon Blue, the solo project from singer/songwriter Daniel James.

Daniel James of Canon Blue

Canon Blue’s will be released a full-length album through Temporary Residence this Fall.

James recorded basics for the album in Copenhagen, then traveled to Iceland to record orchestral arrangements with the string quartet, Amiina, who have performed both on stage and in the studio as Sigur Ros’ string section.

Canon Blue’s 2007 debut album, Colonies, grew out of bedroom electro-folk recordings, with James playing and recording nearly every part himself, and Chris Taylor of Grizzly Bear mixing. Hear some Canon Blue at Myspace.

1 Comment on Temporary Residence Limited Signs Canon Blue

  1. Tyler
    May 25, 2011 at 9:29 pm (13 years ago)

    This is great!