Post Moves: Sound Designer/Mixer Michael Vitacco Joins Plushnyc Post

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Audio post boutique Plushnyc Post, located in the Flatiron District, announced that they have added Sound Designer/Mixer Michael Vitacco to their audio post production staff.

Plush is flush with talent, adding Michael Vitacco to its roster.

A recent Emmy Award winner for MSG’s “Summer Image” campaign, Vitacco comes to Plushnyc from Nutmeg Post. An extremely innovative and musical sound designer, Vitacco has done original sound design, mixing, and composition for clients such as VH1 Classic, VH1, MTV, and The History Channel.  He recently worked on the launch of HBO‘s “Game of Thrones” original series, and completed recording Michael K. Williams’ narration of Animal Planet‘s “Taking On Tyson” series.

At Plushnyc, Vitacco joins Sound Designer/Mixers Rob Fielack, Mike Levesque, Jr., and James Twomey.

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