Glyph Production Technologies Updates Triplicator, Ships with Remount Functionality

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Glyph (based in Cortland, NY) has updated the Triplicator — which enables the simultaneous copying of data to multiple drives — with a new feature: the ability to “remount” a previous Triplicator drive set. Remount-capable Triplicators are available for $399 MAP.

The Glyph Triplicator now features "Remount" functionality.

This update allows a Triplicator and drive set to be re-powered, and upon power-up, the Triplicator will discover and mount the previously created drive set. This allows users to work with a Triplicator set the same way they would a regular drive, while allowing them to have three copies of their data on the target drives at the same time.

According to Glyph, the Triplicator enables users to make multiple identical copies of their data simultaneously. It connects to a Mac or PC computer via eSATA, FireWire or USB, while Two or three target hard drives connect to the Triplicator via eSATA ports. When the drives and Triplicator are powered on, an LED tells users how many drives are attached. When data is copied through the Triplicator, identical data will be copied to all target drives, without the user having to make separate copies. The drives are then ready to be used as individual originals for editing, backup and archiving.

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