BreakThru Radio Launches “Dubway Days” Video Series

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BreakThru Radio has announced the premiere of its new web-TV show, “Dubway Days”, which documents the creative process of musicians and songwriters as two artists meet in a recording studio to write and record a song in a single day.

In "Dubway Days", the pressure is on to make a great song happen in one day.

The series is filmed in NYC’s Dubway Studios, providing a window into the inner workings of songwriting and recording, showing how a song goes from the first “plink” on a piano key to the fully orchestrated studio production that is heard on the radio.

When the artists arrive in the morning, there is no song, and the pressure is on not only to get a song written and recorded, but to make sure it’s a great song.

The first episode features songwriter/performer Ben Arthur helping the artist Vienna Teng create the song, building verse, chorus and bridge from the ground up. Next, producers Al Houghton and Mike Crehore collaborate on arrangements and performances, and tracks are laid down. By day’s end, a song is completed, and the team gathers around the mixing console for the first listen.

Check out “Dubway Days” premiere right here:

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