Support DJ Ming's Century Bike Tour for Transportation Alternatives

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On September 12, Aaron Albano AKA DJ Ming of Habitat Music will be riding through the streets of NYC as a participant in the 2010 NYC Century Bike Tour. The tour will take Ming and the Habitat Crew through 100 miles and all five boroughs of NYC in a single day.

DJ Ming and Habitat are pedaling hard for Transportation Alternatives

“As part of the Habitat Crew, I will be raising money for Transportation Alternatives because I know that New York City’s streets can and should be safer for my friends, my family and me,” says Albano. “I want to support Transportation Alternatives, the organization that can help make that happen. As a team, the Habitat Crew has committed to raising $2,000 but I’m pretty sure we can do better than that. Your sponsorship will help me reach my goal and will help Transportation Alternatives continue to advocate for a safer, cleaner, and healthier New York.”

All NYC music pros who use their bikes regularly – and that’s a lot of us! – can support Aaron’s personal ride by clicking here.

Or donate in the Habitat team’s name here.

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