MasteringWorks Previews The Roger Schult Filter Series in NYC

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EAST VILLAGE, MANHATTAN: German audio distributor, MasteringWorks GmbH, recently brought the new Filter Series from Roger Schult into Flux Studios in the East Village for a demonstration and listening session.

The new RS W2377 API 500 Modules

This was the first U.S. demonstration of the new filter modules, which MasteringWorks’ Stefan Heger hopes to showcase at AES in San Francisco this Fall.

The Filter Series is based on Roger Schult’s UF1 5-band high-end mastering filter system, but split out into three individual EQ modules: Low (20 – 730Hz), Mid (155Hz – 3.5kHz) and High (1.03 – 23.2kHz) for the API 500 series.

Together, the Filter Series is known as the RS W2377 API 500 Module, and can be mixed-and-matched or bought as a three-module filter system for recording, mixing and mastering applications. The Filters offer a solo function if more than one EQ is in use, a focus switch for quickly locating wanted or unwanted frequencies and a hard bypass function.

At Flux during the Filter Series sneak preview are (l-r) Audio Power Tools' Blue Wilding and producer/engineer Fabrice "Fab" Dupont.

Flux owner/producer/engineer and tech guru Fabrice “Fab” Dupont tried the new filters on bass and vocals and found comparisons could be made to the GML 9500.

“It’s a very clean, mastering style EQ with a round tone and no sharpness or mud, hence the 9500 reference,” says Dupont. “It’s a different animal from the same kingdom. Very elegant sounding and well thought out as far as functionality.”

“I like having the filter and the focus function is very practical. It’s easy to read and use and ergonomically good. A very nice addition to the 500 series racks format.”

Dupont elaborates, “I can totally see myself using it to filter and/or fatten tracks during tracking sessions or bring out vocals smoothly at mix down.

Fab + Filters

“The three separate band concept is great, they can be daisy chained as one three band EQ or used separately on different tracks.”

The W2377 API 500 Module is priced at 721€ ($920) with a special introduction price of 3 modules for 1511€ ($1,923).

The filter modules will be available August 2010 from all MasteringWorks dealers.

For more information, visit or contact them via e-mail at

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