The Musaic Concert Series Presents “Wednesday Before Last” at Crash Mansion, Tonight, Monday 6/28

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On 7:30, Monday June 28th at Crash Mansion, The Musaic Concert Series presents “Wednesday Before Last,” an operatic tapestry sponsoring “To Write Love on Her Arms”, a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

Soprano Caroline Selia created The Musaic Concert Series to “fuse different genres of music to provide a concert featuring the best of the best” including the best in rock and roll, jazz, pop and opera.

The Mini-Electronic Opera “Wednesday Before Last” will be performed by Kristin Hevner, a notable composer, Daniel Wyatt, a GRAMMY and Emmy-nominated producer/engineer, and Royce Vavrek, an opera librettist and playwright.

Bowery Electric hosted the first-ever Musaic Concert Series last December. Past musical guests include rock band Nobody Can Dance, pop diva Chevonne, Metropolitan Opera singer Liam Bonner, and award-winning musical theater composer and performer Will Reynolds. This year Metropolitan Opera Bass-Baritone David Crawford and Caroline Selia herself will be making an appearance at the concert. Other artists in attendance include Raziel Mossafi, Josie Diels, Dan Radzikowski, Maurice Parent, Kara Cornell, and Katherine Cardin.

“Wednesday Before Last” will take place Monday June 28th at Crash Mansion at 7.30pm and tickets are only $10. Hope to see you there!

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