Studio Architect John Storyk of Walters-Storyk Design Group Lectures at NYU

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Top NY studio architect John Storyk,  Principal/Designer of Walters-Storyk Design Group recently delivered a well-attended lecture to students at New York University’s Steinhardt School.

John Storyk enlightens NYU

John Storyk enlightens NYU

During the talk, Storyk traced the history of recording studios, from the white lab coat days of the 1940’s and 50’s through the introduction of the first more accessible artist’s studios like Electric Lady (penned by Storyk for Jimi Hendrix).

Also discussed was the demise of the “mothership” studios (e.g. Sony & Hit Factory), but with assurances for the audience that there would always be a place for large “destination” and/or large live rooms capable of hosting large groups or orchestras. The ongoing trend towards small, more powerful home-based studios was also examined.

An avid lecturer, Storyk appears frequently at schools throughout the nation including Yale University, Columbia, Ex’Pression College, SF; Full Sail Center, Orlando and Berklee College of Music, Boston, where he is currently adjunct professor of Acoustics and Studio Design.

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