Simon/Perry, Geffen/Visconti, C.K./Watts Recording At Stratosphere

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Carly Simon recently stopped by NYC’s Stratosphere Sound to track vocals with legendary producer Richard Perry (Barbara Streisand, Rod Stewart) and engineer Rudyard Lee Cullers.

In Stratosphere Studio A (l-r): assistant engineer Adam Tilzer, Richard Perry, Carly Simon and Rudyard Lee Cullers.

In Stratosphere Studio A (l-r): assistant engineer Adam Tilzer, Richard Perry, Carly Simon and Rudyard Lee Cullers.

Speaking of legendary producers, Tony Visconti (David Bowie, T. Rex, Morrisey) also worked at Stratosphere recently. Visconti was in with Israeli rock star Aviv Geffen, tracking for a new record with engineer Richard Wilkinson. Stratosphere owner James Iha jumped in on the sessions as well, recording guitar parts for a song.

Tony Visconti, Aviv Geffen, James Iha

Tony Visconti, Aviv Geffen, James Iha

Comedian Louis C.K. was in Stratosphere writing and recording the soundtrack for his new show, Louie, with producer/composer Reggie Watts and Cullers engineering. Louie premieres in June FX.

Cullers, Louis C.K., Reggie Watts and Tilzer.

Cullers, Louis C.K., Reggie Watts and Tilzer.

And Stratosphere welcomed Sweden’s The Soundtrack of Our Lives for the whirlwind recording of their “Live at Lime” performance for the LimeWire store. Geoff Sanoff recorded the five-song set and mixed the tracks, which are now available for purchase HERE.

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

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