Max's Kansas City Reborn Online

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The famous NYC nightclub, Max’s Kansas City, has been reborn online at, an online community featuring Max’s-style music, art and fashion content and commentary.

maxlogoblackWilliam S. Burroughs called Max’s  “the intersection of everything,” a gathering place for a hard-to-imagine crossover of cultural icons, including Andy Warhol, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Janis Joplin, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Marley, Betsy Johnson, Halston, Twiggy, Dennis Hopper, Stanley Kubrick and Frederico Fellini.

At, “Classic Max’s” takes you deep into the history and culture of the club, while “Trio Exhibitions” are specially curated triplate blogs featuring different entities from the worlds of art, fashion and music that are linked by a particular unifying theme. “The Vault” contains interviews with the original Max’s icons as well as current artists who embody the same Max’s Kansas City spirit of rebellion and boundless creativity and “The Back Room” section contains personal essays and tributes of today’s artists speaking about the greats from the classic Max’s era.

The site is also fully equipped with a frequently updated culture blog, a live Twitter feed, and links to Facebook and Myspace pages so that Max’s Kansas City can stay fully connected with all the members of this new Max’s community.

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