CultureMachine Award Ceremony Honors Music as Positive Force on Tuesday, Nov. 17th

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A welcome addition to the region is CultureMachine, a youth program that teaches music production and media literacy to inner city kids in NY and NJ.

They will host their 1st annual Awards & Celebrity Auction at the Grill Room, located inside the World Financial Center in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday, November 17th 2009, 7-10pm.

The event will be hosted by Entertainment Reporter, Julie Chang. Three non-profit organizations will be honored and a chance auction from celebrity-donated memorabilia will close the program.

Julie Chang hosts the first annual CultureMachine awards.

Julie Chang hosts the first annual CultureMachine awards.

The program will kick off with a special performance by Grammy award-winner Gordon Chambers, followed by a video montage of CultureMachine’s youth programs and activities over the past six years. Three New York non-profits will be honored: Musicians on Call, The September Concert and Manhattan Youth for their outstanding work in utilizing music and media as a positive force to empower and guide young people.

The program will wind up with a chance auction to benefit the work of CultureMachine that will include items donated by jazz guitarist George Benson, Academy Award winner Philip Seymour Hoffman, NY Knicks player Patrick Ewing, Vince Carter (Nets), Satch Sanders (Boston Celtics), welterweight WBO boxing champion Kendall Holt, as well as a visit to the Set of Law and Order SVU, a visit to Hip Hop musician Dana Dane’s studio, and a singing lesson from Grammy-Award winner Gordon Chambers.

Online bidding on for a meeting with George Benson at his April 2010 concert in New Jersey and his signed Ibanez guitar on Ebay will allow others around the country to participate in this Celebrity Auction.

Tickets for the 1st Annual CultureMachine Awards & Celebrity Auction as well as chance auction tickets are on sale now at:

CultureMachine is a youth development program that guides young people to write and produce their own positive music and media projects. It was founded by Brazilian singer/songwriter Diego Costa and filmmaker/author/Free Teens USA founder Richard Panzer in 2003. During the last 6 years, CultureMachine has mentored more than 1,000 inner city students through its annual Teen Media Summit, Music Production and Media Literacy workshops.

CultureMachine Award Recipients
1) Musicians on Call — brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in healthcare facilities. Musicians on Call uses music to promote and complement the healing process for patients, families and caregivers.

2) The September Concert — organizes an annual citywide music festival in New York, in remembrance of September 11th and a celebration of our universal humanity. In 2009 its concerts already spread many continents, including Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

3) Manhattan Youth — has comprehensive after-school programs including music and drama at three downtown schools in lower Manhattan involving over 800 children daily.

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