22 Bands, 6 Days: Live From The Cutting Room Studios

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During CMJ, The Cutting Room Studios hosted KEXP’s live-to-air in-studio performances showcasing 22 bands in six days.

The XX perform at The Cutting Room during CMJ

The XX perform at The Cutting Room during CMJ

Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson (see video below), Soft Black, Chief, Surf City, The XX, Deastro, Choir of Young Believers and Alec Ounsworth were among the artists who played The Cutting Room’ Studio A for KEXP audiences listening online and via 91.5 FM in NYC.

A steady stream of new and established artists from all over the world are stopping by The Cutting Room to do in-studios for KEXP. This week, it’s Brit-pop progenitors Travis, and New Zealand’s Bang Bang Eche.

The Cutting Room’s also been busy with record projects, including the upcoming record by French contemporary jazz guitarist Marc Anotoine. Tommy Uzzo has been mixing that album in Studio A. And in the mastering suite, Tony Gillis has mastered records for The Fray, J Lo, Three Doors Down, Sean Kingston and more.

Brooklyn-based folk-rock singer/songwriter Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson plays live at The Cutting Room Studios in NYC for KEXP’s CMJ in-studio series:

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