Party Pics! The Connectors

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Powerhouse PR firm Big Picture Media just hosted The Connectors for the third time. NYC’s emerging talent in music, film, fashion, art, theater and digital creativity were on hand at Perdition on the West Side. SonicScoop was there, and we all had a solid gold BLAST. Email them at to be on the list for the next meetup.

(L-R) Choreographer Amanda Garcia Torres, and Mark Leal of MusicSupervisionCentral Mark Leal of MusicSupervisionCentral and friend
SonicScoop's very own Jeff Suttles.
SonicScoop’s very own Jeff Suttles.
Elie Maman, SonicScoop's Janice Brown, Walt Ribeiro, half of SonicScoop's David Weiss
Elie Maman, SonicScoop’s Janice Brown, Walt Ribeiro, SonicScoop’s David Weiss
On the right, Big Picture Media's Dayna Ghiraldi, + pal.

On the right, Big Picture Media's Dayna Ghiraldi, + pal.

(l-R) Quad Studios' Tatiana Moroz and The New Collisions' Scott Guild

(l-R) Quad Studios' Tatiana Moroz and The New Collisions' Scott Guild

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